where is Yvonne Craig when you need her?

May 02, 2010 18:32

*deep breath!* Whew, coming up from a little LJ break for a bit. Had my friend J. stay over most of the week, and we only had one Internet wire between us, so I elected to get more of my school reading done while he surfed for job openings. Quite productive on both sides, but I missed geeking out on Thursday and Friday.

# Not a big deal, actually. I loved the latest SPN, but don't have much to say in the way of meta. We're heading into the final ep, what was originally set to be THE final ep, the end of the series, and I have NO idea where they're taking us over the next two weeks, nor in the fall. Very exciting. Am on spoiler lockdown to keep up the suspense.

# So my friend J. bought me and my sis and himself tickets to the midnight showing of Iron Man Thursday night! *dies*

# I'm doing a research paper for my gender and race in the media class, on the roles of women in recent superhero movies adapted from comic books. This entails rewatching some movies, which will not be entirely pleasant (Catwoman with Halle Berry, I'm looking at you! -- although any excuse to see the first Iron Man again is a good one.).

So my feeling, before starting research, is that superheroines are pretty much only members of teams on film, such as the X-Men and Fantastic Four, while solo superheroes such as Spider-man, Iron Man and Batman are pretty much all guys, each with a love interest. Catwoman might be the exception.

Here are the movies I'm planning to watch and/or address:
- X-Men 1-3
- Wolverine
- Fantastic Four 1-2
- Spider-man 1-whatever they're at now
- Hulk?
- Catwoman
- Batman Begins and The Dark Knight
- Iron Man 1-2
- (I thought about Watchmen, but haven't read the graphic novel and might want to limit it to Marvel and some obligatory DC just to keep it all manageable.)
- Maybe that Uma Thurman parody that looks so aweful, since it's really the only movie I can think of featuring a lone superheroine and might somehow inform the lack in other "serious" movies.

Any suggestions, either for movies to cover or directions to go in the research?

# Damn, but there needs to be a BATGIRL movie. Or even a Batgirl and Robin movie, sans Batman.

# What else? Hm, not doing art for bigbang; it'd just make me crazy before finals. But I'll be doing summergen for, I think, the third year in a row. That is always so fun, between making and choosing prompts, and the writing seems so much easier than bigbang, somehow.

comics, school, supernatural

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