life on the boundary

May 04, 2010 22:24

I learn so much through teaching. In my intro to writing class, we did a poetry day yesterday, where everyone brought in a poem they liked and read it to the class and talked about what made it good.

And they all had good reasons and good interpretations, and it was really great. They're first year students and not to be under-estimated, even though they placed into a beginner's class. At the same time, they're at this point where a lot is still new to them, and every once in a while you're reminded of that.

One of my kids said he likes Percy Shelley's poetry very much, always has. "She's a good writer."

Another one is pretty sure the narrator and maybe the writer of "I Too Sing America" is black.

I could seriously do this forever, you guys. I have no idea what will happen from day to day, and it's kind of great.

school, rl, teaching

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