Oct 29, 2011 19:37
[Filter: Private, in Atsirian]
... it's perfect.
I hate doing this. I hate it. I don't want to. This is my family's history. Queen Raesha took it for a reason, and Westa doesn't deserve to get it back. She doesn't. I feel like I'm betraying something, for here, and I hate it, I just hate it.
But ... but it's perfect. It is. Nobody will be able to say that I'm holding to a petty grudge with this. Or that I'm buying Westa off, either. This is nothing like that. I hate it ... but it's brilliant, isn't it? I thought of it all my own, and it's just brilliant.
I wonder what Mother would think. Would she be proud? Or disappointed?
[a pause]
Reeve would know.
[Filter: Joseph, in Atsirian]
Joseph ...
I'm sorry.