The Book is DONE!!!!

Oct 14, 2011 20:59

Wow- my last post was in JUNE?!?! O_o
I've been updating to Facebook because it's easier, quick and can be done while completely brain-dead, but for those not on FB my book is finally done!!!! I got it sent to Watson-Guptill/Random House just before the deadline (which is Saturday, October 15th!) I will have more editing and revisions to do later but finally will have some free time. I think the book will be a good one (the editor has already taken a look at it and said it looks great!). I'm proud of it. :) And my own drawings (esp. of horses, I think) have improved with all the research and drawing I've done.

That was the most intense 4-5 months of my life, and I've had intense patches before. I worked at my newspaper job and when I had a spare moment, I worked on the book. I had no time to watch anything, play any video games, or do anything except work and sleep (Ok, except for a little FB and the occasional 1 hour spent drawing or reading before bed :D But not even much of that! (Oh, and I did see the Discord episodes of MLP:Friendship is Magic because C'MON it's Q!!!! (love, love, love) XD). Anyway... the last day or so I've been able to actually do NOTHING for several hours late at night which is WONDERFUL. (Nothing= catching up on a few TV show episodes online or remembering how to play Fallout: New Vegas, which I still intend to complete :)). But I am beyond tired, and I think my body is now in CRASH mode. I expect it'll be like this for several more days *at least*.

I feel like I've been scuba diving for months and just came up for air for the first time. The first night I was done I actually felt weird walking around the house.... like I'd been out traveling for months and hadn't been home for awhile. I was seeing everything like I hadn't seen it for a long time- because I really haven't. If it wasn't book-related it didn't exist!

There are a lot of things I want to do now (cleaning up the mess that is my office and room will be some of the first! I also need to email some folks!). But for right now, I'm taking it easy.... /\_/\ And I missed LJ! *hugs for everyone!* :D


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