Jul 01, 2008 19:07
And I still have to prepare things for tomorrow. And it's too hot to go jogging. *mopes* Now, do I want to get up an hour earlier tomorrow to do so at a more reasonable temperature, or am I lazy? Mh, difficult decision.
I spent money today. *headdesks*
I bought a cotton inlet for my sleeping bag, that I'll use as sleeping bag by itself during the hot nights in Lebanon and as inlet during the cold nights in Derenburg.
A pair of 7/8 trousers, in case Derenburg!excavation will have some warm days. (Can't wear 7/8 in the Near East, so I didn't have any.) A pair of really expensive outdoor trousers, "windproof, water-resistant, hard-wearing". Because I know it's a lot more likely to be wet and cold and I need at least one pair of decent trousers. (Do not want to wear tightly-woven, warm trousers in the Near East, so didn't have any.) Ordered online a pair of rain trousers, flimsy cheap ones, won't survive long, but will be helpful during Derenburg!excavation. Also ordered an equally flimsy, cheap rain coat, ugly as hell, but will cover most of me, again, will be helpful. And ordered boots. Steel cap and steel sole. (Because there will be heavy equipment and lots of rusty nails and would I please make sure my tetanus vaccination is up to date?)
I draw the line at buying a camp bed. Anne can spend another 100 Euros for some light, easy-to-transport camp bed, but that is something I know I'll never use again, and can do without. My back will just have to survive four weeks on a sleeping pad.
Then decided, the heck with it, let Mirja drag me further into the city, and bought a pretty pretty blouse. Which was cheaper than anything but the flimsy rain clothes, so it's not that bad. And did I mention it's pretty? I needed something pretty.
And now I'll stop playing material girl for the rest of the week. (Really. I checked, all I need to buy is bread and milk, everything else I'm stocked with.)
Aaaand random fact of the day, or rather of Friday, because that is when I saw a little ship in full dress uniform, meaning with all its signal flags. The Blue Peter? The blue and white flag meaning all persons should report on board as the ship is about to proceed to sea? Well, I did look the flags up on wiki.de, and what's the voice radio name of this one in German? Papa. *is highly amused* I bet if he thought I'd understand my father would raise the flag to call me aboard when he is ready to set sail and I'm still strolling through Konstanz to give him more time to throw spiders overboard. Yes, from now on for me the Blue Peter will be the "Papa wants to set sail" flag. Sorry.
And I want my second tattoo to be some of the letter flags on my lower back, I just haven't decided yet wht I want it to say. Something between four and eight flags (=letters), I think. ... Wait. I should get the first tattoo before I start planning the second one, right? Forget I said anything.
*tilts head* Uhm, this was supposed to be a short, quick entry. I seem to babble quite a lot these days. Sorry.