
Aug 08, 2007 13:27

Okay, I just saved all my comments using LJ-archive, and copied my entries to GreatestJournal and InsaneJournal. Both accounts under des_pudels_kern.

And what's with JournalFen?

If you're looking for the account creation page, we don't have account creation turned on at the moment. If you know a paid user, you can have that person request a journal for you, though.

Huh? Oh well. Two back-ups should be enough, right?

Panicking? Me? No!


Okay, yes. I'm afraid something will happen while I'm away.

I like it here. I'm comfortable, know my way around the basic stuff, have icons, music, mood for every entry, comments, friends, communities.

Most of this I can't just copy and paste.

And you know what's the really sad part? How I feel I couldn't live without this, when a year ago I didn't have anything to do with LJ.

And back to rl arrangements.

EDIT: Ha, I knew having several journals had to be good for something! *has just uploaded a bunch of icons over at GJ* Icons are love.
Now if only I knew a way to export my layout.

EDIT THE SECOND: Got a Journalfen account, same name. Thank you esteven!


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