Fun Weekend

Mar 12, 2007 02:58

Friday: Saw 300, I wasn't impressed. Showed up at Kris's at 1:00, after most people I wanted to see left, because Alex needed a costume to wear.

Saturday: Got home at 6:00am and passed out until 2 in the afternoon, woke up, worked for 2 hours. Hung out with Chris Ladd and worked out until it was time to go to Kris Mack's. Also Tenjho Tenge which was fucking sweet. Showed up at Kris's, and it was pretty fun. I passed out on his couch with his two puppies. It was adorable. I woke up around 2 and had my shirt pulled off by some random chick and went downstairs for a strobe/dance party. Hella chicks making out with chicks. I was still tired, so I took the bed and watched the madness. Not a great girl to guy ratio though. Chris and I went back to his house in the am.

Sunday: Hella hangout with Chris and Mallory. Didn't hear what I wanted to hear from her night before, but it's none of my business now. I mean, I wouldn't hang out with some girl that said I had sex with her during Liz and my relationship, I would probably harbor a lot of hate for that person, but hey, not my business. I went home and fell asleep at 8:00.

So here I am. I can't sleep anymore. I feel like shit. I need a drink.
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