Jan 06, 2007 15:43
There are a lot of explosive feelings being put on the table here. This is an extremely personal controversy, and I can see how everyone feels attacked, or that their pain is going unnoticed.
I'm not going to take sides on this subject because I have my own opinion, and just like everyone else, I feel it needs to be said.
This just reaffirms my hate for Bush, really. You've got a fucking kid, who's been in the millitary barely past basic, and he's getting sent to war. WAR! He's gonna be givin a gun, and put into war. What are we, fucking Russia? America shouldn't be this way, and for ONE man to dictate who lives and who dies over his fucking pride of not being able to bring democracy to two nations who have been in a civil war since god knows how long, is just fucking ridiculous. Fuck that
Safety of our country? Bull shit, we're not being attacked by the governments of Iraq, or Afghanistan. We were attacked by a terrorist organization, seperate from the government of course. Yea, remember that? This "War on Terrorism"? Ok, we couldn't find Osama bin Ladin, so now we have to go on a testosterone trip, and tell the world how it should be run.
If Bush was truly threatened by Iraq or Iran or wherever the fuck we are now, he wouldn't send our men there, he would focus on our defences. I don't even know how much money we've spent on the "war" but if we focused all that wasted money into better defenses, then we wouldn't have to send the 3,000 soldiers to their deaths, and the other ungodly ammount to live on a hellish landscape, waiting to be bombed, or shot at.
Fuck this war. Matt is 19, Children are the future, you do the math. We keep sending in kids, what's our future gonna look like? Just because Bush doesn't know when to pull out, doesn't mean America needs to get jizzed on.
I'll support you and your decision to be in the Army, Matt. And I have hope that you'll come home safe, but I won't support this war.