Did hell just freeze over?

Oct 30, 2005 21:20

Today on October 30, 2005, the impossible became possible.

I would have expected peace in the Middle East, World War III, or even Armageddon to happen before I would see what I helped arrange today finally come to fruition:

I reunited my currently incarcerated cousin with his ex-fiancee after they haven't spoke or even seen each other in over 3 1/2 years.

Doesn't seem like much.But, there is a pretty good story behind this....

It all started back in May of 2001.My cousin Dwight met a girl named Katie on the internet.They talked for only a couple of weeks on the internet before meeting each other in person.From there on, they were inseparable.They were with each other 24/7.But, there was a little problem with that...

He was 18 at the time.And she was 16.

I was stil living in Phoenix at the time when he called me to tell me about it.I was pretty upset about it since he was dating a then-underage girl that he just met on the internet.I told him to break it off on more than several occasions.He didn't listen to me and instead just told me to wait till I met her for myself.So, I agreed to shut up until I finally met her.

I moved up to SLC, UT in October 2001.He was coming by to pick me up from the airport with Katie.All I could think to myself was what I was gonna say to the both of them concerning their age difference and why they should not be together.When I finally met her, I was kinda in awe.She was beautiful and she was generally in love with my cousin Dwight.After seeing the chemistry that they shared with each other, I forgot all aboug what I was gonna say to them and said to myself fuck it.They are in love with each other, so why mess up a good thing.Besides that, it was nice to see my cousin happy for once.He propose to her before I got there and she accepted.

After that, a lot happened in between October 2001 to January 2003.She met most of our family(my grandparents and a few of my other family members still love her to this day), he met most of her family(at one point, Katie's dad threatened to kill him.But, he went with her to visit her family in Montana even after being threatened with death itself), and much like every other couple, the both of them when through their own relationship ups and downs.even to the point where they broke up and got back with each other at least a couple of times.It was hard to watch, but in the back of my mind, I kinda felt bad that something awful was going to happen soon.

And unfortunatly, it did.

In December 2002, I got a call from my aunt when I had moved back to New Mexico.She told me that Dwight was in jail for beating up on Katie in a fit of rage.I was speechless.I could not believe it.I could not belive that my own blood relative was capable of something so horrible.I was angry, saddened, and worried all at once.I was angry at him for what he did and I was also saddened because Katie was practically a member of our family already.But after this ugly incident, it would never happen now.He would remain in jail until his trial in April of 2003 until he was sentenced to 1-15 years in prison for his actions.

After his sentencing and incarceration in Utah State Prison, the both of them held some disdain towards each other after what happened.I could not hear her side of the story since I was both in New Mexico at the time and there were restraining orders that preventing me from talking to her at the time.My cousin didn't talk to me that much about what happened that night except that he hated her for putting him in prison.

A lot can change in 3 1/2 years...

In December 2004, I found Katie on Myspace.I then decided to e-mail her and see what was up with her and to ask her how her life is going for her.She e-mailed me back and from there, we eventually rekindeled our lost friendship after not speaking to each other for more than 3 years.Everytime we did talk, we would also talk about Dwight too since she was curious to see how he was doing while he was in prison.She even let me know that she spoke on his behalf at his parole hearing back in 2004 which I did not know about at all.Even my cousin did not know about this either since he saw her at his parole hearing and presumed that she was there to speak against him.

There another problem with my friendship involving Katie.And it was in the form of my own family members including my sister and well as my aunt and uncle (Dwight's parents).My sis found out that the both of us were friends again and told me to no longer speak to her or else she would send me back to Arizona to live with my folks and she would then tell my aunt and uncle about it.I ignored the ultimatium even with the threat of both being disowned by my own sister and family members since I had bigger plans in mind for both Katie and Dwight...

My cousin became elligible for semi-supervised home visits in August 2005.Basically, he is allowed one 12 hour visit to my home every weekend.After talking to both Dwight and Katie for a couple of months about an idea that I had which was for the both of them to speak to each other and to speak their peace and apoligize.The problem is that everytime my cousin has a home visit, either my sis or another one of my family members is always here.So, it could not happen unless me, Katie, and Dwight were here by our selfs.

And that day was today.

With my aunt and uncle in Washington for a religious ceremony and my sis moving to Ogden to live with her boyfriend, this was the perfect time for it to happen.My cousin kept asking me to ask her if she was willing and able to see him today.But, only if she felt comfortable with it, of course.She agreed to it and she would come by.She came by around 4 PM today.He was nervous as hell to meet her again.And when she arrived, she was pretty nervious as well.The first thing to happen was they both hugged each other for what seemed like forever.This was the first time they have seen each other in over three and a half years after all of this uglyness.She teared up a bit and he was just in shock just because she did come by.

They talked for hours.About their own lives at the moment as well as how what happened that night both changed and matured the both of them.When me and Katie dropped him off back at the prison, they embraced a couple of more times and said their goodbyes.Almost like if it was going to be that last time that they would ever speak to each other.

From the looks of it, that is not going to happen anytime soon.

At least I hope not...
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