derrick_mace Dec 29, 2008 03:42
light, unfair, crap, world of warcraft, paladin, blood elf, human, law, ownage, justice, pvp, stuff
derrick_mace Dec 17, 2008 00:25
world of warcraft, grades, derrick, chemistry, sleepless, education, social, finals, ramblings, fun, speech, light, mace, misery, midterms, northeastern, love, law, justice, wierd, university, tired
derrick_mace Nov 20, 2008 03:19
justice, social, paper, writings, writing, law
derrick_mace Nov 13, 2008 20:16
lolomgwtgdairyqueen., knight, paper, sick, northeastern, law, vampire knight, vampire, justice, wrath of the lich king, social, university, writings, reaction, writing