This is a vampire.
(He's not actually a vampire, more of a half-blood, but you get the point.)
Now, back to the point of the post.
This is the first unofficial map of Atarnor. Here, I was mostly tabbing with Paint and messing around. I was trying to aim for geologic logic, although I feel some parts (forests so close to the coast) may be too much boardering the line.
The second is less visually pleasing, but is a notch above in geology logic.
Pink Land: Grazing and open fields.
Green land: Farming. Dark green land attributes forests.
Dark blue: Salty waters.
Light Blue: Shallow salty waters.
Pale blue: sweet waters.
Purple squiggly things: Mountains.
Red lines: I don't remember.
Gray lines: Wind currents.
Dotted gray lines: Geologic plates.
So, this resulted in a more logical map, although I preferred the previous one.
They could both use a lot of work, however.
I will provide a legend with the next addition.
Note to self: Annanor is the name of the continent, and Atarnor is the name of the first kingdom of Man. Kapiche?