Need The Pokemons!!! OvO,

Oct 05, 2013 09:11

I'm suppossed to be sleeping right now but I've been holding back on reporting my utter DESIRES for Pokemon XY, and oh gosh I need to RELEASE!!

So a little less than a month ago, 3DS XL's came on sale at my local WalMart, and I was SO EXCITE!! I was waiting to get my system when a sale came on but I was afraid there wasn't gonna be one, considering it's 3DS's and they're popular and whatnot. When I mentioned to my Dad how I was looking for any sales for the systems, he was the one who actually discovered it first, and really fast too!! Like 2 days or so right after I told him, OOP ON SALE!! I was so thankful to him!! I drove out with my Mom and picked up the one I wanted.... the BRIGHT SEXY BLUE ONE!! IT'S SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL, OH MY GOD!!! IT SHINES!!! QvQ A week or so ago I also preordered my Y copy too, finally. I really love Yveltal so that's why I chose Y!

SO ABOUT THE NEW POKEMON.... WHERE DO I START!? I FUCKING LOVE THEM... MOST OF THEM!!! Most of them make my heart race!! PIKKU PIKKU!!! New pokemon keep appearing every day and it's honestly making the game MORE EXCITING EACH MOMENT!! So far I still am very unsure what my Y-exclusive (new-pokes-only) team might be, but the #1 candidate that is a GO is... Noivern, no doubt about it.

Since there seem to be so many new pokemon that I plan to catch, for actual teammates rather than dex-collection, I suppose I'll try to list as many as I can, in no specific order!!

Fennekin will still be my starter, as I had already planned, however I admit I did NOT like the final evolution so much. I loved the RPG theme the creators went with, however the design is really unappealing for me. I know why though!! It's the fucking dress.... it's way too long IMO and covers it's legs and feet and just looks very uncomfortable. Like a very awkward cone-shaped pokemon. If the mage-robe aspect was shorter and perhaps had a few more characteristics that Braixen had, I would love it more. So far I'm leaning to just keeping my foxy at 2nd evolution... it worked when I wanted to keep my Dewott in BW. *shrug*

Gloodra is love. The first evolution I ignored at first, but then by 2nd evo, I melted!!! And 3rd is just as cute!! This baby will prolly make my main team, since I love my draggies. Still unsure what gender I want though. Gloodra IS LOVE!!

Talonflame - I loved this robin-hawk ever since, still love it and plan to get one. A robin pokemon really connects with me and I never get a chance to fall in love with too many bird pokemon.

Helioptile & Heliolisk - I obviously LOVElovelove little helio, and it's evolution is ok too. It didn't excite me as much, but it's still fine! The only reason is because his only released image has it's frills lowered so we can't see it in all it's glory!! I'm actually very torn as to whether or not I wanna evolve my helio or have 2 of them and evolve 1 and keep the other...? :C

Inkay - I loved cute squishy inky-woo first gaze, but not it's evo. I would have liked the evo if it was water-type and didn't stand on 2 derpy-ass tiny feet!! I wanna get an inky and just keep it as an inky!! OvO

Flabebe & evo - I thought Flabebe was really cool before but I didn't wanna own one. Then I got to see both it's evos and I think they're SO CUTE, I LOVE THEM!!! The 2nd evo is such a cutie, like a cute pixie!! And the final is more beautiful!! It's a new one I'd love to own, but I think I might need to trade to get one. ^^'

Furfrou & Espurr/Meowstic - I admit, I'm REALLY not a fan of poodles IRL, but I can't help but love furfrou's design and even the aspect to get them really cute funky haircuts. I love the basic design the most as I find it's much less poodle-esque and more... alpaca, lol? And of course I loooove cats, and I think espurr is a cutie!! I like meowstic but the idea that is had folded up BUNNY EARS is fucking wierd and offputting to me... I'm not sure if I'll evolve an espurr or perhaps keep one as is.

Skrelp & Evo - When I first saw skrelp I really liked the design, but thought the colours were pretty gross. However I had the feeling it was gonna evolve into some sort of badass leafy sea dragon thing, and earlier today I was proved correct, so I'm really HAPPY!! It's so awesome and I love it, and it may be awesome enough to stay on my team later!!

Vivillion - I almost always catch and raise the "classic bug" of each generation, but this time I'm actually unsure about this one. I sorta like the pixel theme, but I think it's eyes and legs throw me off. I really am not sure... Kinda disappointed. :C

Sylveon - I love all eevees, obviously I love sylvie too!

FOSSIL POKEMON - LOVELOVELOVE them BOTH!! Since I love sharp teeth babies, I plan to get t-rexxy in my game first, and one of my friends plans to get the "littlefoot", lol!! We both arranged to breed them for each other so I'll eventually have both babies!! Gaahhh, they're both too great!!

Pyroar - I really wanted this one to be a manticore but a lion is fine too. I decided I like the female design more so I'm gonna raise a girl. Can't beat funky hair!! She'll prolly become BFF's with my Luxray!

Trevenant & baby - OKok... at first I wasn't so smitten about it, but then I saw it's preevo and a better image of it, and it sorta looked a lot better. He's actually sorta cool! I dunno... it's one of those pokemon that sorta warmed up to me I think, and when I look at him I feel he sorta suits me in some way. I think it's because of the way his body works, with his legs resembling spider leggies. I really have a thing for legs like that I think, like with metagross and gigalith. I can bet if I got this guy, he'd become good friends with them.

So about the mega evolutions, I really love most of them!! However there is one that stands above the rest, and most would know who the special baby would be that gets me so excited I have screamed....


Although I'm getting Y, I plan to SOMEHOW get the X stone I swear to God!!! I will also trade one of my stones in exchange if there happens to be only 1 stone each. Megazard X is just one fine piece of zard, holy FUCKS. I first saw him and simply DIED!!!! FUCKING LOVE HIM FUCK!!!

So in conclusion, I'm REALLY FUCKING EXCITED about XY, can't wait to catch and train all my fav new pokemon!! AND train my OLD pokemon of course!! AND I will somehow get my mew back, somehow. Mew must be with me on all my adventures!!! LOOKING FORWARD!!

In other news, lot's is going on sorta, in the past few days at least. I'm having an early Thanksgiving this year because my parents won't be home, as they're going away to Europe for 2 weeks soon. But I told Mom that we just GOTTA HAVE Thanksgiving!! So we're having it early.... later TODAY!!! YAAAYY!! SO FUCKING EXCITED..... AGAIN!!! REALLY looking forward to it, gonna try to have a wicked day today!!

As for my personal problems, I'm trying to put it on the sideburner for now, and trying to focus on more important matters, things I actually have control over. I mean, I'm still having problems and they're horrible, but I've done all I can do for now and I REALLY don't wanna be depressed. So it's sorta on haitus I guess. I just wanna be happy right now, and I need to focus on the great things I have rather than the things I don't. ^^' TRYING!!!

I sorta have more stuff I wish I could talk about but I really need to get some sleep... I just felt so excited about pokemon and really wanted to talk about it, mew!!

pokemon-xy, spoilers, life updates, pokemon

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