So tired of me being proactive yet?
I made these ages ago (like everything I seem to be posting at the mo, it's taken me a ridiculous anount of time to update), using this tool
here. I know it;s cliched and corny, but these really are ridiculously cute. (and please don't just steal, ask first!)
The trio. Well, duh. Harry, Ron, Hermione.
The other three involved in the whole Department of Mysteries business. Ginny, Neville, Luna.
The Bad guys, apparently. Oldie Voldie, Bellatrix, Wormtail.
The Hogwarts Staff. Top: Hagrid, Dumbledore, McGonagall, Flitwick, Snape. Bottom: Filch, Sprout, Trelawney, Binns, Hooch. (I've no idea why she's smoking. She just seemed a bit bare without it.)
The DADA teachers (excluding Remus, becuase he's special). Umbridge, Mad Eye, Lockhart, Quirrel.
More later. Which is your favourite? I love shouty!harry bestest of these I thinky.