(no subject)

Jan 16, 2006 05:37

That was a new experiance for me. Was about to AFK on a chair for the night and some new player,tik92, came by and started pointed out my shades and stuff. Was just going to act AFK and all but she saw me sit down and I watched her walk up to me and like walk around me to try them on... kinda cute in a way lol. And then she commented again and I was like "man, too guilty to just ignore her" and started talking. Guess CS is hard to understand sometimes. Told him he could try them on there and stuff and she didn't know or understand right away but once I walked her through she was like "*GLEEEEEM* OMG OMG OMG I LOOKED SO CUUTE" and repeated "one day..." "some day.." a few times. And I like spent 15min going through paypal stuff and watch out for scammers. And yea, sad story was told how she got scammed. Was too excited to realize somone would be so cruel as to scam her out. It's what happens when you have people that don't have payment methods and get scammed out of money that who knows how long they took to get and stuff. Small tear and stuff right now.

Have no idea how long I talked. Feels kinda nice to help a noob ^^. Surpising how much random talking can lead to. Apparently Paypal is unknown by the majority in Aussie? I didn't bother asking how old she was.

But it got really funny shortly after. Once I gone done explaining how Cash Shop and NX she went walking around perion selling little items she found. Totally cute in a way to watch her follow someone a little bit talking all in local and trying to sell items. Not exactly effective, but very roleplayish? At some point I she came back to tell me about how she's still totally broke, since that scan was like yesterday or something. Through recent experiance I totally didn't know how valuable scrolls are till I started playing the market and I asked which ones she had. Told her to try to sell one for about 1.5m and a couple minutes later I get spammmmmmed with "OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG" over and over. I thought "Oh shit, what could of went wrong?" and then there came the big bold "I'M RICH!!; 1.4m!" and yea.. that was kewl.

I miss being a kid. Gaming kid. The kind that finds like total joy over any good surpise. The whole carefreeness of it all. My cousin is prolly doing the same thing on the other server since I could never understand why the snowboards were so kewl and he found this nice person on Bera that gave him a snowboard to use and he was like completely like "DERICK, COME HERE LOOK AT THIS" and I was totally like "Oh, it's a snowboard" and after he phailed at lvling with it about 10min later I just told him "Your dagger would be better here because of your stats" and didn't really give it a second thought. Come to think of it, I miss being in his position. But everyone grows up, so yea.

And no, I'm not going to get into another multipage post or argument over gaming addiction and all that jazz about blah blah blah and how in the end I'll just be saying no matter how evil and corrupt gaming addiction is, it's the trend of the youth now and you just can't fight it. You don't see anyone stop eating fast food after seeing how bad that stuff can be. And now that my job will partially rely on games and movies getting popular and that more games are making movies after themselves I shall HOPE THE WHOLE WORD STARTS GAMING!! mwuahahaha.. /evil.

I prolly should sleep now. Lost like two hours of leveling over this.
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