
Oct 19, 2009 18:11

Yet another one of those evenings I get to kill while waiting for a good one to appear. It's like stomping through the damn grass in pokemon trying to find something rare but the waiting is dull, then when something does appear, it's something common that you've seen hundreds of. I guess at the end of the day though, it's worth it when the rare one does appear....unless you fuck up the subsequent combat and it gets away.

I can sum up ascpects of my life in terms of game mechanics of games aimed at children. Massive ego boost there.

Continuing with things being crap and games, ever since about a week ago when I could afford to buy my next ship in eve, the price has done nothing but sky rocket because I decided to wait until it sank lower or I could get it built and pay the basic cost on one. Still, can't fly it until the 23rd of November anyway, so there's still time for the price to crash again.

As for tonight then, while I could hike over to Liverpool and watch some anime and/or drink some beer, there's also something to be said for staying in, saving money, relaxing and acknowledging that while those rare things only have a chance to appear in pokemon, the ones in terms of ways of spending an evening are inevitable.

Back to blasting rocks with lasers then ^_^
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