[Fic] I've Got No Soul To Sell

Apr 19, 2014 21:14

Title: I've Got No Soul To Sell
Format: Fic
Author: tryslora
Pairing(s): Derek/Jackson, Stiles/Deucalion, Boyd/Erica, Boyd/Erica/Lydia, Allison/Isaac, Allison/Isaac/Scott, Stiles/Cora, Peter/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~53k words
Warnings/Contains: A/B/O, Mpreg (see fic for other important warnings)
Notes: This story started as a prompt response for a celebration of a follower milestone on tumblr, and it sort of wandered off into becoming a short novel. It posted (mostly) weekly for ten chapters over twelve weeks. It may also be the longest thing I've ever written with this percentage of NC-17 material in it! And of course, I do not own the characters or world of Teen Wolf, I just like to play with them.
Summary: Jackson wants to take control of his life the only way he knows how: by selling his omega capability to bear a child to an alpha who needs it. When Derek Hale claims him, Jackson quickly finds himself in over his head.

Link(s) to the Fic: on AO3 only due to length

type: fanfic, rating: nc-17

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