[Fic] Wall of Memories Caught in Time

Jan 11, 2014 21:17

Title: Wall of Memories Caught in Time
Format: Fic
Author: tryslora
Pairing(s): Derek/Jackson
Rating: PG-13
Length: 1114 words
Warnings/Contains: past mpreg
Notes: I just wanted to write something ridiculously schmoopy, so I did. This was written during week #51 (Amnesty) at fullmoon_ficlet for the prompt Photographs. If you want to read more in this 'verse, check out And Omega Makes Family on AO3. As always, I do not own the characters or world of Teen Wolf, I just like to play with them.
Summary: Sometimes you just have to pretend to be that cookie cutter couple, even when you’re not.

Link(s) to the Fic: on AO3 | on DW | on LJ

type: fanfic, rating: pg-13

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