Oct 14, 2006 21:30
Before I start ranting, and most likely segue into something completely off topic, let me just say that I know not all people are of the same ilk as those of whom I am about to rant. But at this moment in time political correctness and general accuracy are the least of my concerns. ;)
Okay, so has anyone ever noticed how all these dicks driving miniature tanks that we affectionately call the SUV seem to think people will just move out of the way for them? Like just because their vehicle is bigger and heavier they somehow have the right of way in all situations? Or were these people sick on the day they taught "driving through a parking lot" in driver's ed? Oh wait, they didn't have a day for that lesson. And do you know why? Because it's common fuckin sense and anyone who can't follow a yellow arrow painted on the ground in a Wal-Mart parking lot is probably too stupid to be driving. Like today when I was driving down a lane, looking for a parking spot, this dumb twat comes bursting out of a spot and just keeps on going. The worst part was she was looking right at me the whole time and just kept driving, despite the fact that my car was already right in front of hers and the only logical thing to do was wait until I had driven past so that she could pull out. She wasn't even parked there either, she was in the next lane, and turned through some empty spaces to change direction, which we all do, but the simple fact remains that I was there first and had the right of way. I mean it wasn't a big deal, and normally something I wouldn't even dwell on, but the fact that it was some bleached-haired, middle aged woman in a truck that was way too big for her made me think about how much I hate SUVs and the retards that drive them.
It's always the same story with these shitheads. They buy these enourmous vehicles that serve no real purpose and then claim they need them for the storage capacity. Why? Do you haul lumber around for a living? Do you drive 8 people around with you? If SUVs were restricted to carpoolers and construction workers I'd have no problem with them. But middle aged soccer moms keep wasting money (I almost said hard-earned money, but we all know that's not true) on these stupid boats, and do you know how many kids they usually have? 1 or 2 tops. So what is with all the extra seating? Or how about the storage capacity? People in small and mid-sized cars have had no problem driving their two kids and a trunk load of groceries home with ease. Clearly you don't need to drive a big ugly vehicle that blocks views and gets 18 miles per gallon because you have a family.
So I think that gets me to my point...or further away from it, whichever. SUVs are just another way for breeders to piss us off. The simple fact is that these things are not needed, and they certainly are not used for their intentions. Single people that don't have families generally drive small vehicles, not only because it's all we can afford, but because we don't buy into the bullshit mentality that we need this shit because of our kids. Not all those that have kids buy these things, so maybe the SUV drivers are just idiots? But then again people without kids drive them too, so maybe everyone is an idiot. With gas prices the way they are, how can any reasonable person, especially one that has a house full of ungrateful little shits, drive one of those damn tanks? I don't mean to get all hippie here, but those stupid vehicles are only gonna make things worse. But it's not even the ecological side effects that bother me, it's the fact that SUVs get such piss poor gas mileage. They're a waste of money. And as I insinuated earlier, most of the people driving them could be spending their money on better things, like making sure their fucktrophies don't grow up to be idiots like them. I drive a small shithole Beretta that gets decent mileage, and I get by just fine. I can fit all my groceries in it, and if need be 4 other people. I want a car with better mileage. Those sweet as tits Toyota hybrids get 60 miles to the gallon, which is fucking awesome! Will on of you rich, waste of space, SUV driving assholes buy me a Prius so I can get to work and live my meager existence and only have to purchase gas twice a month so that maybe people will then follow my lead and rid the streets of those ugly boats...after all I am pretty awesome, I think it'll catch on. :D