Sakura Con - Day 0 and Day 1 begins!

Mar 29, 2013 06:07

Found a complimetary computer in the lobby... So I'm actually able to make a full post! I apologize for any spelling mistakes, no spell checker that I can find, but I don't know IE all that well.

Day 0

We caught the ferry we planned, and had a nice ride over. Ran into both other otaku and friends on their way to the con. Downtown traffic wasn't so bad, and both the hotel and the con were pretty well organized, so less that two hours after getting off the ferry we were checked into both and were sitting in the lobby bar with a nice beer. We wandered over to Westlake Center for dinner, then back to the hotel bar to hang about and chat. (The room is pretty small, and with all our stuff not a lot of room to hang about in.) Eventually back to the room and to bed.

Day 1

Up early as usual... I found less on the street to photograph than I'd hoped, but there's a couple of nice shots that I hope come out. The otaku are already out on the street in force, I don't know if they're up early or up late, or where they're going... The con run 24 hours, but opening time is hours away yet.

Nobody seems to have a good idea of where to get breakfast... Downtown in my (admittedtly limited) experience are always great for lunch and dinner, but not so much for breakfast. We'd hoped to avoid eating in the hotel because it's so dang expensive, but there doesn't appear to be a choice.

This morning is going to be slow, so I may either hit the opening ceremonies or just take a midmorning nap (we are technichally on vacation after all). But I've got a cosplay meetup to shoot at noon, and then it's crowded from there to as late as I care to be awake. Time to get going, I want to wander around with the camera a bit more then it'll be time to hit the hotel coffee shop and take coffee up to Brenda.

P.S. I despise Windows 8.

sakura con, photography

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