Sakura Con Day 0 begins!

Mar 28, 2013 07:57

The freaks and geeks and nerds and otaku are on the move in Seattle... A bunch of friends are on their way to, or are already at, Norwescon down in Seatac and we're off to Sakura Con in Seattle itself in just a few hours.

Not that much to do today, but it all has to be done in time to catch the 3PM ferry out of Seattle...

Brenda packed last night, other than a few last minute items. I'll pack my stuff today. (It sometimes annoys Brenda that from a standing start, I can be packed and ready to go generally in under an hour..) I've got to make sure we have all the printouts for the hotel and con pre-reg, then clean out and pack the van.

The schedule is still in a flux, Brenda has hers nailed but I have several times when I want to be in three places at once! Ah well, it'll all work itself out in the end. Having a lot of interesting things to do is a Good Thing... When we talked schedule last night, Brenda reminded me that I'm not 20 anymore (thanks dear!) and should think thrice about planning eighteen hour plus days across the weekend.

As I said yesterday, though I'm going to try, posting to LJ from a phone isn't conducive to much more than quick updates... live updates will be on Facebook (, and I'll post full entries here next week.

Ittekimasu! (I'm off, see you later!)

sakura con

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