Apr 18, 2008 06:40

Well, no.  Not really.

It woke me up. I thought my cat had made an enthusiastic leap from floor to bed to windowsill (or vice versa) but it had gone wrong -- yesterday morning he'd done that and knock the alarm clock off of the nightstand.  Feeling a couple of extra jolts immediately afterward I thought he had somehow gotten caught in something, so I started feeling around in the darkness, grumbling about that damned cat.  What really got my attention was that I could feel the bed quivering slightly, which enhanced my groggy, mistaken deduction that somehow the cat was caught up in something and struggling to get out.  But I couldn't figure out where he was, which instigated more quiet cursing.  Within the next 20 seconds the quivering stopped and I had felt around everywhere I could within reach (I still hadn't bothered to turn the light on.)  Oh well, the damned cat must have gotten free.

Fully awake by that time, I figured I might as well start the day and hop online as usual.  It took another 15 minutes before comments on the mucks revealed that a 5.4 quake had occurred under 100 miles away.

So my first earthquake provided no big thrill, no dramatic realization of what was happening, just some sleepy cursing about what my damned cat is getting into now.
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