Dec 19, 2004 10:15
So in case you haven't already heard i attempted to run away last night...i got everyone into so much trouble (which is why no one was suppost to kno where i was going). To top things off my mom says there are 5 options:
1. stay home
2. go into out-of-state foster care
3. Move in with my cusins in CA
4. Go to the Asheville school (its a bording school in NC)
5. Attempt getting emancipated get a job/apartment and be aware that she will fight it by saying i am not mentally stable enough.
I can't belive i have caused everyone so much trouble....or that i am left with the main option of leaving the state if i want to get out of the house. Oh yea she is selling my car because I "won't be needing it" and so i am not allowed to get my lincense.