Star Trek

Nov 27, 2015 18:50

Had a dream last night, which was a comedy sketch that featured the entire combined bridge/command crews of every Star Trek show on the same, gigantic, Enterprise bridge. The center of the bridge had a row of captains chairs, there was an entire cubicle farm for the nav and tactical officers, et cetera. The captains were arguing over a) what to do about the local Negative Space Wedgie, and b) who got to sit in the center chair. One of them gave an order to fire a warning shot, and the tactical officers emptied the ship's entire munitions at it. An alien beamed onto the bridge, and the security officers all shot at it and missed.

Meanwhile, down in Engineering things are going amazingly, except that they've taken the warp core offline to optimize it and are just this side of a fistfight over what is and isn't physically possible...

Someone should write a fic about this. I'd read it.
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