Two random oddities

Mar 05, 2013 17:06

Firstly, in the process of removing a stump from the back yard, I dug up this thing:

(Click for full size)

Not a tap root, or else I'd never have gotten it out of the ground; it was just running along the perimeter of where the shed used to be. Still pretty impressive though.

Secondly, does anyone have any idea what's going on in this video? My dad took it; according to him it's simply red oak lumber (kiln-dried) being attacked by a random orbit sander. My best guess is that there are nodes of stability in the vibrating board which cause the fine sawdust to clump together; certainly the upper-right portion of the video indicates that the sawdust will freely dissipate and coalesce so I don't think there's any particular attractive or sticky force holding it together. According to Dad, the "droplets" will follow gravity, though, so my theory is either wrong or incomplete.
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