Finished project: standing desk

Jan 30, 2013 17:00

A friend of mine recently started a business making portable standing desks. Not much good to me since at home I use my desktop computer, and at work there's nowhere for me to clip onto, but it was sufficient motivation for me to get off my butt and make my own. This was an educational experience in many ways (read: lots of stuff went wrong in the manufacture), but the final product does work, and it looks decent from the side people are going to generally see, so I'm willing to call it good.

(Click for full size)

I got it set up this morning and gave it a shot today. All in all things went pretty well; my legs are a bit tired, and I took a couple breaks to sit, counting lunch, but I'm not in agony or anything.

While I was working a coworker stopped by and noted that if I'd asked, the Health & Safety department would have gotten me a standing desk. Of course. Oh well; I'm sure mine's prettier. So long as you don't look too closely.

Made from oak, purpleheart, and poplar/ash for the long square cross-section support pieces.
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