I'm back!

Jul 29, 2005 11:37

Hullo, Kibbles! Long time no update, eh? I'm sorry it took me so long to do so. I can't say that I have been too busy to, because I have had time to update my MySpace, but I have been a very busy hobbit! Let's see... let's start from where we left off.

I actually graduated High School! Lol, yes, I am surprised - every class was in the bag except American Government. I had a 30% in that class! I love politics, I liked the teacher, I liked the people in the class, but I just did not do my homework. Well, the teacher, Mr. Salvadore, passed me because I did REALLY well on his final. He was like "You obviously learned something!"
Graduation itself was gorgeous. At first Mum, Dad, Kathy, Amy and the girls were gonna come and watch, but due to work and other things it whittled down to just Mum, and she could only stay an hour. That's alright, though, it was such a beautiful night. I didn't cry as much as I was planning to, though! Tina Y. made an awesome speech, too.

I'm not sure how many of you I have told about the Mail For Me Club, but basically, it is a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing cheer into terminally ill and disabled children's lives. We do this through packages containing puzzles, art supplies, books, etc., pen-pals, gifts on their birthdays, and more. Mum and I started the club in August 2000. 90% of the expenses are paid from our paychecks, and we love doin' it, man. We've got such wonderful responses from the kids and their parents. I do all of the computer work and such, btw - I'm very proud of that. :D
Anyway, in the past six weeks we've had about four newspaper and one TV interview about the Club. It's been great! We're so happy that the Club is getting noticed by the community, and we've got some great feedback from the articles. Because of it, we've secured a room at the Yucaipa Community Centre to meet every Saturday with out kids to make cards and socialize.
Also, Mum had an idea that we should sell stuff on eBay to raise money for the Club, and I've started that up. I'm gonna add more items today and tomorrow, but here's the link:


Generally, we're gonna be selling ceramics, books, and Hungarian stuff. If I had $50, I would get that statuette, because I think it's gorgeous! Btw - if anyone is interested in learning more about the Club, or wants to volunteer their time and/or money, e-mail me at zador.cibbwin@gmail.com.

In terms of work and school - I don't have a job yet. I've been really busy with the Club, which is pretty much a part-time job for me. I've been looking for one recently, though. I'm most keen on working at Office Depot or Barnes and Noble. Depot for the discounts the Club could get, and Barnes and Noble 'cuz I love that place!
I don't think I'll be going to the fall semester at Crafton - I didn't sign up in time, and I didn't turn in my FAFSA on time. No big deal, especially if I find a job - I can work full-time. I really want some disposable income, 'cuz I have this clothes wish-list growing. Mind, I'd never become the kind of person to own thirty pairs of jeans - I couldn't live with myself knowing I'd wasted so much money on clothing when others don't have enough money for food. But I need to replace some of my rattier clothes. Seriously, I still wear stuff from sixth grade.
Apparently Paulina is planning to send me a sum of money for my birthday! I'm excited. And at first I wondered if I deserve it - I mean, I graduated High School, so what? Everyone should be able to, it's really not hard. But at the same time... maybe I do deserve it. I'm a kind person and I do all this work with the Mail For Me Club - why not? Hehe.

Oh, I'm finally working on my license, too. I am such a rockin' driver. :P

I'm going to be visiting my nieces in Santa Barbara for two weeks, from the 31st to the 12th. I can't wait! I'm gonna be babysitting them and getting paid - how awesome is that? Man, I'd pay to spend time with them!

Erin invited me to her birthday party! I was surprised - I guess she’s forgiven me, eh? 

I was recently an honoree at this Volunteer Appreciation brunch. I did not win, but it was so wonderful to see all these people who have done so much to help their communities. You know, if everyone on Earth donated an hour or $10 a week, things would be SO much better.

I went to my first LAN party about a month ago. For those of you who don't know, a LAN party is basically a party where a bunch of geeks bring their computers together and hook 'em up and play games for hours on end. Fun!

I'm slowly breaking away from James and Katie and getting closer to Diana, too. James and Kate have a lot of positives, but unfortunately, for me the negatives outweigh the positives. I think I'll always be friends with them, but I don't consider them to be "good friends" anymore, you know?
Diana I think I'll be friends with for a long time, though. She's great because she loves meeting new people, unlike Katie, and she actually listens to what I have to say, unlike James. So, yeah, I lover her. I LOVE YA, GIRL!

Yup, that's pretty much it! I've been really happily busy. LIFE ROCKS! I leave you with a few museings. Ciao!

Why do gay men love wearing little boy undies? Seriously, I was looking at MySpaces, and a ton of guys take pics of themselves in the underwear I wore when I was, like, five, and other guys go ‘Ooh, that’s hot.’ No wonder gay men have this reputation of being pedophiles, sheesh!

I am currently in lust with M.I.A. See my MySpace for more:


I read “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,” too! Again, see MySpace.

Okay, so my museings are kinda short. Sorry. I won’t take as long between this and my next update, though, I promise!
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