Prom pics!

May 26, 2005 08:55

These aren't the pics I took, these are from Diana and James' cameras. Once I get my pics developed I'll post those, too - I got some awesome pics of other friends.

Anyway, enjoy!

Oh, and P.S.: Thank you to everyone who wished for me to feel better. I love you guys! :)

Aaw, aint we gorgeous?

Apparently I look like a pimp here. Pimps are WRONG, but I do look hot. :P

Maybe, like, ten people made masks, and we were three of 'em.

James puts that little croissage thing on Diana...

...and Diana pins James' boutineer on. Did I spell that right? Nyeh, whatever.

Prettiest gal of the night.

Yay! My ladies. From left to right: Katie, Jesse, Lucy and Diana.

Legolas and Alora. *grins*

Nancy wowing us with her prom make-over.

Tina Y. in all her fabulousness.

Tina T. looking gorgeous.

Jesse will fucking KICK YOUR ASS!

This is the most scarily cute picture I've ever seen. That's my bunny she's holding, btw.

And us in our boring clothes. Me looking beautiful, as usual.

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