Drabbles: Batch 01.

Jan 18, 2007 15:50

OMGSH! First post for depthsoffire. YAY!.

I'm bored, and considering that my fingers are almost stiff - since the a/c is on and it is just plain evil to my limbs - I can barely type without feeling slow. Old age definitely attacks me violently. Anywho - (don't you just hate it when people say that?) - I busied myself with writing some drabbles. Mostly Brooke-centric, since I love her to death and she's my female character crush. :p (Half of these are shit, so, make sure your mind is in the zone when you read these.)

Oh man. BROOKE FEST. Every possible crossover that I could think of. Well, the guys I'd write with Brooke. :p Some haven't been done, but, you know? :p Anyway, hopefully this'll give JORDAN some happiness. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR FINALS, BABE! =]

Anyway. This'll be rated, like, PG-13 for language. The use of the "Eff word" appears a little. :p Implied sex, maybe. XP

Couples: Vinnie/Brooke, Logan/Brooke, Dean/Veronica, Seth/Brooke, Lamb/Brooke, Clark/Brooke, Lex/Brooke, Alex/Brooke, Sam/Brooke, Dean/Brooke.

o1. Vince/Brooke (Entourage/One Tree Hill)

The first time you saw her, she was at one of those parties you usually find yourself at. She was the waitress, and your friends tried to hit on her. She batted the pick-up lines way with a flick of her tiny wrist, and continued on with her job.

You found yourself next to her, holding a wine glass as she placed the empty round tray onto the table, and you persisted she take a break to drink. She had told you she wouldn't sleep with you - no matter how hot or famous you were - and you simply smirked, laughed, and toasted to the party.

Later in the night, you catch her by the elbow as she carried another tray with empty wine glasses on it towards the back. You take the piece of equipment from her hands, and place it on a nearby table, and you take her cold hands in yours, and lead her to the floor.

You made sure she never went around the back until the party ended.

o2. Logan/Brooke (Veronica Mars/One Tree Hill)

She had turned up at the party, and was the talk of the night. Madison Sinclair had cursed and whined about how she didn't belong, how she was an outsider and how her hair colour wasn't natural. You rolled your eyes and ignored the jealous blonde, and watched the brunette from a distance as she started laughing and making conversation with some guy you couldn't give a fuck about.

When she goes to the keg for her third refill, you approach her and wrap your arms around her waist. You purred in her ear, and she simply giggled, refilling her drink as you nipped gently at her neck, the warmth beneath your lips sending waves through your body. She sipped her drink, and placed the plastic cup on top of the keg, and turned around in your arms and gave you a peck on the lips.

You shake your head, protesting that she owed you more than that, and you leaned in. She opened her mouth, and your tongue desperately went inside. She tasted of alcohol, and as you battled with her tongue, you felt your body heat up with desire. You ended the kiss, with your forehead resting against hers, and you suggested they take things elsewhere.

Preferably the bedroom.

o3. Dean/Veronica (Supernatural/Veronica Mars); hints of Logan/Brooke (Veronica Mars/One Tree Hill), Dean/Brooke (Supernatural/One Tree Hill), Logan/Veronica (Veronica Mars)

You know Veronica through Brooke. Somehow, the two were friends. Supposedly, Brooke had hired Veronica to help her out with some family issues - more likely Peyton issues - and the two had become friends. Unaware to you, of course. Soon, you found yourself hanging out with her and Veronica, and her boyfriend Logan. And that guy, Piss or something.

Brooke started to cancel your dates, excusing herself from your mere existence for studying for exams, claiming they had become increasingly difficult, and she and Logan were going to study together. She made you feel too old for your own good; she had just graduated high school the previous year, and had moved to Neptune to attend Hearst. Away from Tree Hill, and away from the drama.

Most importantly, away from Lucas.

The time with Logan became increased, and eventually things came to a smash in a wall. You fought, you made up, but yet she never said anything back. You told her you loved her, and that is when she ended it.

You find Veronica in the local bar, and you know what has happened. Logan ended it, she had said, and you toast to love and how fucked up it is, and you down your shot. The next thing you know, you've just had sex with the short blonde; emotionless passion, and open vulnerability.

When you wake up the next morning, with a hangover, love bites, and a broken heart, you leave Neptune for good.

o4. Seth/Brooke (The OC/One Tree Hill)

You were never into geeks, you never dated geeks, but yet when you saw him, all flustered and mumbling, your heart melted and you knew he was something special. You were friends with his ex - through your parents since they were oh-so loving - and you knew him since you were sixteen. You're nineteen now, entering college, and you can't help but laugh at the fact that you're attending Brown with him.

You're friends - close, best friends, whatever - and you're inseparable. You find him funny, cute, clumsy and you know he has bad fashion sense. You celebrate Christmakkuh, and he's even written you into Atomic County, as the sexy cheerleader who steals his heart.

Three months into the new year, you impulsively peck him on the mouth when you're at a booth where Ryan works, and when you retreat back, he's smiling. Goofy. It sends shivers down your body, he's all confident now - all bad ass and Ryan Atwood-like - and he pulls you back for more than just a simple innocent (and nervous) teenage peck.

o5. Lamb/Brooke (Veronica Mars/One Tree Hill)

You find her in your office, in her cheerleader uniform from a foreign town that isn't even close to this planet, and you take a seat in your chair, wondering who she is and why she's here. Veronica Mars? You doubt it. This girl looks too preppy to consider talking to the little-miss-nosy-bitch Mars.

She didn't ask you a thing, she didn't even look like she had a problem, and you stay quiet, leaning back in your reclining seat, studying her. When she finally spoke, she wanted to know if any jobs were available. In close proximity to you. This is when you wondered why Leo let her through. You don't need another fucking stalker. You've got Madison - fucking - Sinclair already filling that job - and your bed. You tell her to sign out an application at the desk, and you kick her out of your office.

She's hired, and now she was everywhere. She was looking over some files, and you found yourself looking over her shoulder, your front almost pressed up firmly to her back, and as she pointed to incorrect dates, grammar, and all that shit you really don't give a fuck about, you find yourself in this position more often.

It is when she can't reach something in the supply closet - you didn't even know the department had a closet - that everything within your relationship with her enhances, and you find yourself in a locked box with her pressed flush into you, her lips smashing on yours, and quickly, skin against skin.

o6. Clark/Brooke (Smallville/One Tree Hill)

He saved you from a car crash; so what? It wasn't like you had a death wish, but it wasn't like you needed saving. Like you wanted to be saved, anyway. Life is a black hole, you figured, and you were sinking, further into it, losing your way as you can't seem to move a muscle, because every turn and step you make you manage to fuck everything up.

He asked his mother if you could stay with them - against all your protests - and you found yourself in his room, stealing one of his shirts to sleep in. It wasn't like you two were friends - he was still hooked up one some chick named Lana Lang - and his friend, Chloe something-or-rather was very nosy with your business. There was no level of trust, of friendliness, and you couldn't give a shit about him, but his mother - on the other hand - you simply adored.

Either way, he never let you go with him to Lex Luthor's. Something about him being an evil guy, but by the glint in his eye, you know that is total bullshit.

It was when he returned one day, all panting and bleeding, that you take charge and boss him around until he sat down on his ass - finally - and allowed you to disinfect his wounds so no more shit can get into his tiny, tiny, filled with testosterone brain. His skin was warm, (almost) soft, and you felt your fingers skimming over his cheek as your eyes followed your movements. He shivered, and you knew you had some effect on him.

You've always had. Ever since the day he saved you from that fucking car crash.

The tension building up to that point snapped, and he pulled you in by your waist, locking you against his body, and he proceeded to almost suck the life out of you with his lips and his magical tongue.

o7. Lex/Brooke (Smallville/One Tree Hill)

You entered The Talon and found him there, talking to some chick with brown hair and innocent brown eyes. You scoffed and made your way over to a spare table, plopping down and huffing as the service isn't attending to you A.S.A.P. It's absolute shit, really, that you are running away. Somehow, the blondes were attacking, and they were attacking you and your heart.

You feel someone's eyes on you, and when you look in the direction of him, he's watching you with sympathy. Or curiosity. Whatever. You just want to get out of Smallwhatsy and leave. Maybe drive off a cliff or something. It's not like anyone would care.

The next moment, he's moved towards you and takes a seat a the chair opposite you. He greeted you, and you simply glared at him. He was - maybe - in his mid twenties, and he definitely had money.

You find yourself back at The Talon, when you swore you'd be gone by now, and you find yourself walking up to him. He turned around, away from baby brown eyes, and offered you a smile. You smiled back, and asked him if he'd buy you a drink.

He bought you a lemonade, and managed to take your heart in the next four months when you swore you'd be gone.

o8. Sam/Brooke (Supernatural/One Tree Hill) (Supernatural: "Pilot." The scene in the intro of Older!Sam with Nurse!Jess at the Halloween party.)

You're drunk, and the coherent thoughts your brain is sending to your mouth disappear in a swirl of lights. Or glitter. Whichever is small and can be blown away with a single exhale. You find yourself walking over towards a nurse and some guy dressed in something that doesn't click in your head.

You smile at the nurse, and you simply order another drink. Or did you just order some salmon? Whatever. You'll be getting something tonight.

Anyway. College parties kick ass. Major ass. Not just because some guy is flashing everyone, but as the expression, this college party kicks so much ass Tim would be jealous.

Where's Rachel? The thought quickly dissolves as a boy - a very cute tall boy - asks you if you're okay. You say something - maybe something stupid, which is more likely than anything else - and he laughs. Your stomach does somersaults - to put it plainly, since your vocabulary is slurred with alcohol and possibly spit - and you stay around to flirt with him.

Outrageously, of course.

o9. Alex/Brooke (Grey's Anatomy/One Tree Hill)

You had an obsession with Izzie, everyone knew about that. You decided to kiss Addison, and somehow everyone found out about that. Now, well, you've got a thing - you don't like to admit it, but you know you do - for a teenager who is more broken than anyone you've ever met. She's battered, bruised, burnt and heartbroken, and you've taken a liking to her, even if she had asked you for your friendship.

Or was it your bed? You weren't thinking clearly - with the alcohol steaming through your system - that night at Joe's.

All you remembered was the next day when she strutted her shit through Seattle Grace and came up beside you. She didn't slap you - which disappointed both Cristina and Izzie - but she hugged you.

Physical contact with Evil Spawn? You thought it was Izzie - or Cristina, or even Meredith or Addison - who said that, but you couldn't care as the brunette pulled away and said, simply, Thank you.

The guys wouldn't shut up for the whole fucking day after that.

o1o. Dean/Brooke (Supernatural/One Tree Hill) An "extract", if you can call it that, from a fiction I'm writing. (Re-written, of course.).

You've agreed to sit with her after her shift, and you're stuck waiting for her to be off the clock. She begged you, before, that you should stay with her. Even if you're not with her, but in the same room - proximity - whatever with her. That is what good friends do, Newbie, she had said, and accompanied it with the smile that makes you melt inside, even to this day. Although, you'd never admit to that. You're not a romantic. You don't feel mushy inside.

Hell no.

As for being 'good friends', you both know you're not just good friends; you've at least figured your feelings go beyond the borderline of platonic. And the fantasies that had plagued your mind have definitely not insinuated anything 'friendly'.

She sat close to you, too close for friends, and looked at you with a smile you can't help but return as she silently gazed into your eyes. It was like she could read your soul, although if she did, you don't know if she'd be horrified or turned on by the things you've thought of doing to her.

She turned to look at the wood, and she hasn't spoken since you've sat down at a table in Karen's Cafe. She usually talks, you could never seem to shut her up, so you knew something is wrong. She looked up at you, her eyes sparkling with a hint of something you can never figure out - and you've always been good at figuring everything out - and what she did next still plagues your mind every now and then.

She leaned forward, and pressed her lips to yours, closed and not at all intrusive (with her tongue, although you wished she had taken the risk), but your eyes are open and hers are squinted shut tightly, and before you could even think about closing your eyes, she pulled away and looked at you surprised. She was expecting something, maybe anything. A laugh? A smirk? Another kiss?

And before you could even open your mouth, she rose quickly, muttered something like I'm so sorry, and opened the door and left, the chimes above the entrance continued to repeat in your ears minutes after her departure.

genre: crossover, character: clark kent, character: logan echolls, character: alex karev, ship (cross): sam/brooke, ship (cross): clark/brooke, ship (cross): dean/brooke, character: lex luthor, ship (cross): seth/brooke, ship (cross): lex/brooke, character: brooke davis, type: drabble, ship (cross): logan/brooke

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