Fic: Sand and Waves (OTH)

Jan 18, 2007 18:51

Title: Sand and Waves
Fandom: One Tree Hill
Pairing/Character: Nathan/Brooke; Lucas/Brooke, Nathan/Haley,
Spoilers/Warnings: As long as you know that Brucas is broken up, and the Naley marriage, then you're set.
Disclaimer: Not mine. ;/
Word Count: 1808
Rating: PG
Summary: He always finds her here. NB.
Notes: This is a three-parter, (it's divided into three.). It isn't too long, and it doesn't fit anywhere in any of the existing episodes. It's really cheesy. :P Fluffy, maybe. I wanted this to be a Brucas but I kept seeing Nathan instead of Lucas, (Damn, that boy has me wrapped around his fictional finger.)

Anyway, all you need to know is that this is based at Dan's beach house. Haley and Nathan own it. That's the only important, different thing.

(Cross-posted at a forum, and here @ bluesunsets.

He finds her on the beach, her arms cradling her knees to her chest, the wind violently sending her brown tresses everywhere, hitting her face occasionally. He notices she doesn't brush them away, but she keeps her glossy stare on the dark ocean. He sits next to her, the sand sticking to his hands, and he wipes them on his black pants.

They sit in silence for what seems like an eternity, watching as the waves brush up against the shore, and how the dark night seems to have cooled the humid air to a shivering caress. He looks over at her, her white dress is thin and doesn't protect her from the cold, and it seems like she hasn't noticed him. He's pretty sure his wife would have noticed his disappearance, by now.

"Why are you here?" She whispers, and it feels like the wind caressing his cold cheeks. Light, feathery, almost not even there. His eyes focus on hers as she turns her head to look at him. The brown orbs that are usually lit with cheerfulness and a mischievous glint are dead now. Dull, broken and almost not even there. She's been crying - she's been crying ever since Lucas broke her heart - and the shiny trails of leaking water that stain her pale cheeks proves his theory right.

He shrugs, knowing she's caught him off guard. He looks back out to the ocean, and simply says, "Just thought you needed a friend."

"We're friends?" She looks at him curiously, her eyebrow is delicately raised and that mischievous smirk he's come to love lightens up her dampening mood.

He shrugs in a disinterested fashion as he looks at her from the corner of his eye, "Only if you want to be."

Haley tells him Brooke's disappeared, and he knows just where she is. He almost runs desperately - but, instead, jogs - out the door, down the wooden plank that leads to the sandy shore, and slows down his pace into a peaceful, almost scene-observing walk. The sun hits his face, soaking the moisture out of his shower soaked hair, and he shields his eyes with his hand from the ocean that almost blinds him as it reflects the rays towards the beach house in an almost heating battle. He stops abruptly near the beginning of the steps that will lead him to her, and he watches as she plops down delicately in the middle of a large sand castle.

He hears her laugh, and he starts walking over towards her. Walking rather slowly, his hands in his baggy shorts pockets, he approaches her castle and watches as she pops up, shock evident on her face as she is surprised to see him. "Nate! What -" she clears her throat, covering up her fight for control over her scattered nerves as she immediately whips her hands onto her hips and gives him her best glare while she smiles like a child. "What are you doing here?"

"Besides living here?" Nathan smirks smugly, something he had once done a couple of years ago, before Haley, before Lucas, before everything that matters. He crosses his arms over his white cottoned covered chest, and looks at her pointedly, "What are you doing?"

She gives him a look that suggests he must be blind - or daft. He figures she thinks the latter. "I'm building my kingdom," she says proudly as she gestures to her square shaped castle. He has to admit, she's very creative.

He shakes his head as he watches her fix up a wall that is starting to crumble, "Why?"

"Why not?" She says with a shrug, giving him a look before she starts piling more sand onto another wall. He looks to the side and sees three buckets - small, large, square based - sitting there lazily as the colour of the plastic starts to fade from the sun.

He breathes in the salty air, something he's started to love and actually smell of himself. According to Haley, she found the scent of the ocean more relaxing, sexy and natural than the men's aftershaves he's bought in the past. "Hales was worried about you. She says you took off."

Brooke shrugs it off casually, sending out a vibe that she doesn’t think it is such a big deal. Nathan knows Brooke’s never thought anyone has ever cared for her. Her parents, Lucas, maybe even Peyton at one stage. She laughs, bringing him out of his thoughts, and says with mirth, "Queen Haley doesn't need to worry."

Now this has perked his interest. He raises an eyebrow in amusement, laughter evident in his voice, "Queen Haley?"

"Yes, King Nathan. Princess Brooke needs a kingdom." She says with a laugh, and continues to model her castle, suddenly ignoring his presence as he stands by in a rather pathetic fashion. Instead of heading back up to the beach house to his wonderful wife, Nathan stays with Brooke and watches her build her castle, mending it, breaking it, and he waits until it's almost dark for when she realises she can't find the door.

The next time he finds her out on the beach, he hasn't come empty handed. Two days ago, he buys her a small tiara, to make her realise she's his princess. Now, with it hidden behind his back, he's gained her interest as she tries to get a look at the object he's keeping from her. Everyone knows Brooke hates secrets.

"Nathan!" She pronounces each syllable of his name in a whiny, fake tone. He hates it when she does it - it doesn't grate his nerves like a nail on a chalkboard, but it makes him feel weaker against his wishes. The power one tone from Brooke Davis has over Nathan Scott is nerve-wracking, and he hopes - wishes, pleads with whoever is controlling Tree Hill - that she never finds that out.

He laughs, as he holds out the silver plastic tiara that sparkles dully in the sunlight with its fake crystals, and she gasps as it lays glowing in his palm. As much as it is fake, his offer is completely authentic, "Will you be my princess?"

He swears Brooke blushes as she accepts the tiara, running her hands over each little bit that is glued on. She looks to her bare feet, her legs covered in pale yellow sand, and looks up at him rather shyly as she breathily whispers, "Only if you want me to be."

He seems to be coming to the beach more often, nowadays, even when she isn't there. It is probably why Haley almost gave him a paper cut when she plunged the yellow envelope into his hands two months ago. She had said his heart wasn't in their relationship anymore. She couldn't feel the warmth he used to radiate whenever she was around. She claimed he never smiled anymore, never laughed or even talked. That he'd become one with the beach, not with her. She didn't know how she was supposed to compete with a piece of land that will always be there, hopefully, throughout time.

He finds it lucky that one day, when he's walking down the shoreline in the heat with his sandals in his hands and his feet sinking into the sand, that she's sitting on the crunchy blanket, her feet being covered with the waves that make it up to the shore, and retreat to expose feet clumped in wet blocks of dull gold. He watches her watch the waves roll in, the sun hitting her hair in a way that makes it look even more lighter than it actually is.

He fingers the object in his back pocket, hoping it'll give him a confidence boost. He sits down next to her, and notes she hasn't changed a bit since the last time he saw her. Three months and two days, to be exact.

"Hey Friend," she greets as she turns to face him. He's shocked that she noticed him, as she seemed so absorbed in the waves moving closer towards her and further away.

Nathan mimics her bright smile, his eyes never leaving her face, "Hey Princess."

She gasps in shock, a light pink tinting her cheeks as she smiles even more brightly, "You remembered."

"How could I not?" Nathan says, shrugging it off like it doesn't matter.

Except it does

He could never get the image of her wearing the tiara, one really warm morning, out of his mind for the past three months and two days. Her smile is contagious as he returns it with a shy one.

"You are one of a kind, Nathan Scott," she says as she fights through her blush that is growing into a pretty, deeper pink. He likes this colour on her, and he intends to make sure he sees if often in the future.

He smirks, he can even feel the blush copying onto his own pale face, "Is that so?"

"Yeah. I never lie," Brooke says stubbornly, locking her eyes onto Nathan's in an almost hope for a challenge. She looks fierce, almost like a predator hunting it's prey, and he doesn't step up to the challenge for he has other things on his mind.

He clears his throat as his palms start to sweat. One palm lays out flat on the sand while the other is curled up into a fist, the sand sticking to him like glue, and even though it should irritate him, it doesn't. It's cold and it fights down the heat that he's suddenly been succumbed in. "So, I have a question for you."

"Hmm?" Brooke says distractedly as her eyes are focussed back onto the waves. The ocean looks like it has been dyed with a golden orange, as the sun sets behind the water - as it seems, anyway - and the warmth reflects onto him. Brooke's skin looks peachy, and her eyes are twinkling as the waves come crashing onto their toes. Hers, painted, and his, bare.

The object in the middle of his fist feels like it is burning him in a way that tells him to continue, so with his bare hand, he places his palm on her cheek - warm, soft and distracting - and directs her face so she's looking at his. His hand drops slowly, lingering for the craving touch under his rough palm, and her twinkling eyes immediately go to the hand that is in the form of a fist. He opens it slowly, her eyes becoming wide as his fingers reveal a simple gold ring, "Will you be my wife?"

Tears brim her eyes, threatening to fall, and she looks directly at him, most likely seeing into his soul, and quietly says, "Only if you want me to be."

And then she kisses him.


fandom: one tree hill, ship: nathan/brooke, character: nathan scott, character: brooke davis

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