May 19, 2005 19:54
well i saw star wars and while i watched the movie a pain in my heart was revieled. In the movie Anny(Darth Vader) has a vision that Paddma is going to die......and he tries to do everything in his power to prevent her death, he learns that there is a power to prevent death but it is a Sith power that the Jedi would never teach because it is of the Dark side. Anywho The now Aprentice of the emperrer Lord/Darth Vader looks for this power to save his only love in the world and doing that has joined the dark side, he tells her of this and she being so repulsed of this and so sad and terrified turns away from him because she has lost her Annikan to this Darth Vader and she has nothing left, in doing that it killed her and Vader realized that trieing to save her by trying to find this power killed her.........and he had only wanted her to be with him and what he did drove her away........
when i came home after watching this my mother randomly asked if i was sad about the movie.........and if i wanted to cry? how fucked is that? she read me like a book although i do not want to cry i am sad about this movie because i know how Vader felt and i thought that i was horrible. I know that this is just a movie but there are lessons in movies, and the lesson in this movie is to Love and let Go because you cannot stop death and your loved one whould not want you to grieve but just to be happy.