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I FUCKING LOVE THIS VIDEO! Seriously look at it and admire the fact ive finally found a video i feel totally peggs me for whom, what i am.
Anyways I had the most fucking amazing dream ever. Every now and then i tend to have dreams upon which i am able to do things upon thinking on them things like.... cause fire, control fire, lift, modify molecules etc... Anyways i had a dream similar to the ones i have against myself but it was funny its the first time ever it was dealing with someone else.
someone other than me.
Anyways hellish day at work with fucking morons. Im sick of dealing with dumb stoopid idiots whom can't get their head out of their ass and can't stop harrassing people and KNOWING what/whom their dealing with and today im gonna have it out with them all.
Im just waittingfor that phone to ring and have the caller id say...
When that happens the fireworks begin today at work.
(replay the video n enjoy its amazing i love this video by far the best video ive ever seen in my life really relates to how i feel when im angry.)
With that said.... ive never wanted to play more with fire than how much ive wanted too these past 2 days so far. God if i didn't know i promised on my love id have my torch on me right now.