May 28, 2007 22:50
I don't know what song to write but i have so much to write about and so little space to do it on. I know no one in the end reads it and those who do simply do it to pry or some other sick perversion but in any case i have almost 4 days of writting to complie into a single LJ some bad momments some good, some hypocritical, and others not so, but for the most part i know i will be facing alot of music when im done posting this from people whom will comit to reading this but all i will say is what ive done ive done by trusting myself and my heart and the reprocusions of that i will face, some of u know the story others only know half but some might just know a tiny peice while others know almost the complete peice. I will gladly put it all up for everyone to disect and inform me of how ive changed my life for the "better" or dug my own grave for "worse" things. In the end only time will tell.
More coming soon.
Tommorow if i have time ill type it all up if not ill gladly post it in the upcoming days.
im gone.
Ps. doctor tommorow too! ew.