After having attended the 3rd Sunday outing at Turahalli, Gurjeet Singh,Mohit Aggarwal, Tarachand Wanvari and I decided that Tara should also be able to see the Demoiselle Crane, and off we went to Hulimangala. While we were there, I found that many young lads still delight in the simple pleasures of life
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The sun sinks westwards. The lights come on. The day's work may be done... But the evening's work is just begun. Very soon, we will be gone. But while it lasts, we can choose To savour the moment, its pinks and blues.
Increasingly, it doesn't matter to me whether it is Podalangapriya, Pijiyoni pooponcarum, or Pseudoplantus iknowmoreii. Enjoyment does not need classification; only sharing does... to some extent. Extreme precision can, sometimes, become intellectual snobbery.
Yes, I know I have plenty of Linkoping posts to catch up on, but a couple of days ago, PC and I had been to "Biltema", where he buys a lot of cycle stuff. I'd looked at a folding bike (with longing) and at the price tag (with 2190 SEK, the revulsion was strong
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There is a park close to KM's apartment where children are charged Rs.5 each for entry (adults get in free)..this goes, I think, towards maintenance of the playground equipment. At one edge of the small park is a stage, and children can dance to the music. Both the Boodi and the Booda had a great time there, in spite of recurrent fever and
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This youtube video has the words and a good translation, too. What lovely music...and true to his name, Bhupen (Hazarika) has set the song to Bhup (or Bhupali) raag...