Aug 10, 2009 21:57
I got an email from a friend in Chennai, I quote verbatim:
"seepa tho i dont write often to u ..U know i am there to tell happy and sad events...we just saw in paper that R and RVS and RS..all 3 of whom u know well ...passed away...just keepin u informed...i opened mail box to write and tell u when i see a brief mail frm R that she is rushing back frm usa today"
The background...just last week, a friend of ours died suddenly, in a car crash in Korea..five people died in the accident.
RVS, R, and RS are siblings, and R and RS are particularly close friends of you can imagine what I felt when I saw this email. RS lives in Tanzania, and R,who lives in Chennai, often visits her daughter in I was wondering if all of them had been together for a wedding or something and had a bad traffic accident....the newspaper headlines, which I desperately googled, didn't carry anything that indicated such a terrible event...
But wait, I thought: in the very next sentence, she writes that R is rushing back from confusing...but it also gave me some hope that it was not, after all, a terrible tragedy.
So I called my sis in law in Chennai and asked her to look at the local newspaper...and heaved a HUGE sigh of relief when I realized that it was their MOTHER (old and ailing) who had passed away in Chennai.
Frankly, for about an hour after I realized what had happened, I would not have minded inserting an obit announcement for the abovementioned friend , the one who emailed me and spoilt my entire morning!
I do wish she would write emails properly, and that she had READ what she wrote before sending it off.
And yes, at such times, I hate the way people use SMS lingo in emails, too. I suppose the practice of typing "gr8" and "u" and "r" because they may be charged if their character counts exceeds a certain number...carries over into all other forms of communication too!
Call me old-fashioned....but I want an email that talks of a bereavement to be "properly" written....but I guess that dates me.