(no subject)

Oct 17, 2009 00:34

Day 19 - 26 October 2008

I woke around 7 but didn't want to get up yet. The time changed last night so I gained an hour and now it's daylight around 6:30. Unfortunately that means it gets dark at 5:30. I ate breakfast, which was quite impressive. They had granola cereals and bread with all the fixings and teas and coffee. I ate goooood. I went and grabbed a bus to Salona. Either Sundays are free public transportation days or it works on an honor system like the Athens metro because no one asked for money and no one gave any. I took almost 2 hours in the ruins because they're quite spread out. There were hundreds of sarcophagi from the time of Diocletian's rule of Rome. He apparently persecuted the Christians and those who died in martyrdom were buried in this area--particularly the burial basilica area. All the sarcophagi have been smashed open by looters. There was an amphitheater and a huge main area that must've been quite impressive in its day.

Map of the whole site

The view of Split from Salona

Manastirine--early Christian basilica and cemetery

Tomb of Franciscus Bulic?


Episcopal Center--Oratoriums, Basilicas, Baptistery

Map of Episcopal Center

Sixteen Sarcophagi Necropolis


Kapljuc--Early Christian Basilica of Five Martyrs


Cemex in the background.. Those damn Mexicans are EVERYWHERE!!


Amphitheater map

The forum


Theater, Forum and Temple map


Pretty flowering plant


Caesar's gate

Caesar's Gate map

Five Bridges

Five Bridges map


Episcopal Center

The baptistery

I went back into town and jumped off the bus when I saw a "gyros" sign. I miss them already. The rest of the afternoon I lazed around and didn't do much. I looked around pricing restaurants and none were anywhere near as reasonable as Fife. So, I went there after getting my boarding pass for the ferry. I wanted the grilled squid this time, but he said they didn't have it. So, I asked for what I thought was scallops in a mushroom sauce and it turned out to be beef in a mushroom sauce. It was soooooo gooooood so I didn't mind the mix up. I started chatting with a 70-something year old Canadian guy at the table next to me because he was noticing how the service I was getting was so much better than what he was getting. The guy gave me a grappa as an aperitif. That shit is disgusting. I didn't take more than a tiny sip. I told the Canadian guy he had to be a pretty young girl, I guess. We chatted a bit and then I headed out to get my bags from the hostel. I boarded the ferry to find airplane seats with fixed armrests and no space to lay around them like I'd done before. I couldn't get comfortable so I went looking for another place to sleep. I ended up in the main shop area on a bench with armrests between ever other seat. It wasn't good, but it wasn't looking any better anywhere else.
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