(no subject)

Oct 16, 2009 20:28

Day 19 - 25 October 2008

I woke around 7 but lazed until my alarm went off at 7:30. I never wake up that early unless it's because my baby is coming to visit me. I said goodbye to Antonio and headed out. I stopped and bought some more dried lemon and went outside the walls and bought an apple strudel and cherry strudel and a tea from the bakery. I waited very long for the bus to the bus station. I got there just in time for the 9am bus to Split. I ate the first half of my breakfast before the bus started moving and it didn't take me long to remember that I can't do buses on hilly roads. I started to get nauseous so I tried to sleep to keep from throwing up. The view along the way was amazing.. I think. I got to Split before 2 and went to my hostel. The streets aren't well marked, but I found my way the first time around. I checked in and paid. It was a little more than half the price of the place in Dubrovnik and the lady informed me that food and such would be the same. Perfect! I got so angry about having to spend so much damn money. I headed out to find a phone to call Jose. There weren't any in the palace walls so I went to the port area to find some. Of course, it's crazy loud there but at least I caught him before he went into class. He passed his test like I knew he would : )

The walls of the palace of Emperor Diocletian.

I walked around the palace area and went into the cathedral and climbed its campanile.

I found one of the sphinxes and then went to the park on the east side of the walls.

Cool artwork.

Ethnographic Museum.


There wasn't much else to see so I just wandered around window shopping. I stopped to change some euros so I don't have to have another stupid ATM fee and I gave the guy 45. I was walking out and he screamed, "Wait! Give me back my money!" I was confused but handed him the money back. He told me that one of the 20s I gave him was fake. He was comparing the two side by side and I think he's right. I started thinking about where I got it from and I remembered--the cafe in Bari with the cool tea flavors. I had run totally out of money after lunch and I stopped at the ATM for 100 euros before going to that place. I gave her a 50 and she gave me the two 20s and a 5 in change and I paid the luggage guy in coins so that little cafe was the only option. I was lucky the guy didn't call the police on me because he is supposed to do so. He told me I should bring it to the police and tell them where I got it. It won't do much good since I can't remember the name of the place and I won't go back to Bari. That's a lot of money to lose, relatively speaking.

After wandering around a bit more, I went to the restaurant suggested by the hostel owner. I got a small plate of seafood risotto and a plate of calamari with a bottle of mineral water for 71 kuna. 71 kuna is what I paid for for the calamari alone in Dubrovnik. I like this place! After dinner I climbed up to Marjan park on the hill above Split for a nice view of the city and to work off some of the calories I'd just ingested. I got up there after the sun had set but I caught the best colors to get some nice shots of the neighboring islands and city under the red sky.

I came down after it was quite dark and headed back to the hostel. I brought my puter to the common room to catch up in here and call my mom. The cat came inside and was playing with my watch on the table and then decided the glass was more fun and he/she knocked it off and broke it and then decided to play with the broken pieces all over the floor. This is the most mischievous cat I've ever seen. I think I'd better hide all valuables from him/her!

I got to chat with two guys in the common room of the hostel. One from Canada got robbed twice and his backpack with all his important things--passport, money, credit cards--stolen from his side at Oktoberfest. Then the guy form Taiwan got his laptop stolen so all his pictures are gone. They both had horror stories of hostels, as well. I guess I've been lucky.
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