Masterpiece [Chapter 4]

Sep 08, 2008 19:29

Title: Masterpiece
Author: dephi
Pairing: RyoDa
Genre: Angst, Romance
Rating: PG - 13 for now
Disclaimer : Humm.. I own the plot for sure, and maybe Toshi? Hihihi... :)
Summary: It took place in Japan, where the rich and the poor had their own societies. There were parties everywhere for the rich. Nishikido Ryo was one of the rich people, an honorable person, the heir of a big corporation, yet he had his own family secret, an unthinkable one. Here came Ueda Tatsuya who stepped into his life, an innocent guy who did not know that his decision would bring him to a totally different world that he never imagined before.
Notes: Beta-ed by annatanhe

Erika realized that something was definitely strange with everything that was happening lately. She didn't really pay attention at first, trying to ignore it, but the feeling inside her grew bigger and bigger and it aroused her curiosity. She had her own deduction, of course, but just a deduction wouldn't prove anything so she had to do something about it. It would be a waste not to use the power that Sawajiri family held in times like this. Erika was a bit hesitant though, what if the result would disappoint her? It was not like she hadn't expected something like that. Erika had a good sense of intuition and she hated it when it came to this condition. She had the feeling that her deduction was right and judging from her experiences, her feeling would be right as usual..

It didn't take long for her to collect the information she wanted, or maybe it was too easy. She didn't expect to get it so soon, especially if it really had something to do with that person. It was as if that person simply let her get it.

Some report files were lying on a table in her room, one of it was left opened. Erika was nowhere near the table though; she was standing near the window of her room. Looking at something outside randomly; she was just trying to distract her mind from whatever she just read. No, it was the truth. She had to face it whether she like it or not. A sigh escaped from her mouth as she thought about that again. She moved her head and stared at the files on the table. The reports were so complete, so full of details. Erika would get to know whatever she wanted when she read that. But somehow, it just scared her. She didn't know what that person's real intention was. It was scary that the reports were so complete. Erika couldn't understand what was on that person's mind. That person should have understood clearly that it wouldn't do that person any good if someone noticed that. But, why?

A sigh was released again as she sat down on her bed. Erika took the phone which was on the small table beside her bed, pushed some numbers she had memorized, and then waited for the person to accept the call. Her heart was beating really fast; she didn't really know what to say if that person received the call. It was unlikely for Erika to be this nervous but it was not strange. After all, that person wasn't just a normal person who would be intimidated by Sawajiri's power. Erika couldn't afford to make any mistakes. Just one slight mistake could ruin everything. She heard a “Hello” on the receiving end of the call. Erika took a deep breath then opened her mouth, trying to utter what she had wanted to say. "Meet me at 3 this afternoon."


Tatsuya started his day with worries in his heart. What he had done previously was really not something he should have done. He would be in real danger if anyone noticed. Oh my, Tatsuya had just realized that he was also putting his family's name on stake. He was doing it without thinking through. Tatsuya was really scared.

He went to his University with his heart beating so fast and hard. He was so afraid if anyone had seen him sneaking to the laboratory, or worse, taking the file even. His heart was beating a tad bit faster whenever he met a person on his way. Some of them gave a smile as a greeting but Tatsuya, being paranoid, misunderstood the smile given to him. He thought it must have been for other reasons, maybe this guy had seen him, or maybe that girl would approach him and threaten him. Though none of what he had thought actually happened.

Tatsuya felt a bit relieved as nobody had mentioned even a thing about what he had done. He couldn't even count how many times he had sighed whether out of relief or frustration and also how many times he had suspicions that day but it was not a problem anymore since lessons were over and he assumed that no one knew anyway. Smiles started to form on his face after putting on a straight face the entire day. It was tiring, not to trust anyone at all, especially when Tatsuya was the type who gave his trust away easily even to strangers, but he couldn't help it. Tatsuya was feeling guilty and the feeling couldn't disappear easily. Unfortunately, Tatsuya could feel that he would feel guilty again in the near future, even more than what he had felt today. Would a day when Tatsuya distrusted people come? He was not sure about it either but he hoped that it wouldn't. It would be so lonely if he was like that, just like Ryo..

Tatsuya froze as he thought about Ryo. None of this would happen if he hadn’t met Ryo in the first place. But he couldn't avoid it either. Ryo needed him; that was what he was trying to believe. Tatsuya couldn't even tell about this matter to anyone, which made him feel even worse. He used to tell Erika everything but he couldn't, for this. Tatsuya knew for sure that Erika would be furious, and who knew what she would do to Ryo? Tatsuya shook his head as he thought about that. Thinking about this is just making me even more confused than ever..

Another sigh escaped from Tatsuya's mouth as he paced up his steps to his laboratory. He might have taken some files from there but it wouldn't ruin everything, Tatsuya wouldn't let it happen. He would just re-do it and fix some parts. He brought along some thick journals and text books as usual and walked straight to where the laboratory is.

Tatsuya took one last deep breath before he tried to open the door. It was quite hard for him, opening the door, with those thick books, but he managed to do it at the end. Suddenly he lost his hold on those books and the loud noises of the falling books caught the attention of Tatsuya's friends, his professor there and another familiar person there.

"Ah, Ueda - kun." Kamenashi greeted. "I didn't know that you are one of Professor Aikawa's students." he added, looking all surprised, although Tatsuya wasn’t sure whether he really was surprised.

The said Professor tilted his head and looked at Kame then to Tatsuya questioningly. "Ah, you know each other?"

Tatsuya didn't give any reply at first since he was still too shocked by Kame's appearance. He realized a few moments later that it was rude of him, not replying his professor's question. "A-Ah, yes. Well, somehow.."

"Ueda - kun here is an acquaintance of mine." Kame continued Tatsuya's statement.

Professor Aikawa seemed to know Kame quite well as Tatsuya saw how they enjoyed their conversation, which Tatsuya didn’t bother listening what it was about as he was too caught up in thinking about Professor Aikawa and Kamenashi's relationship. Suddenly the conversation between the two of them was finished, and when Tatsuya realized it, his professor was right in front of him while Kame was somewhere behind him.

"So Ueda - kun, please go with Kazuya on behalf of me, will you? Kazuya will tell you what you need to do later, I suppose." his professor asked and Tatsuya could only nod in response.

Tatsuya realized that he had agreed to something he didn't know while he was outside, walking together with Kame. It was quite an awkward situation for him and he still had some questions in his head. Kame seemed to realize that as he suddenly stopped and turned around to face Tatsuya.

"Ah, Professor Aikawa is my mum’s younger brother if Ueda - kun is wondering." Kame suddenly stated as he continued walking again. "And I really didn't know that he was your tutor until today. Eh, I suppose I've cheated on my own uncle, huh?" he added calmly.

"Ah.. I-I see..." Tatsuya only managed to utter that. The news that Kame was Professor Aikawa's nephew shocked him. At least one of his questions was answered but it hadn't satisfied him yet.

"Eh, I suppose you want to know where we are heading, huh? Or what Ueda - kun has to do? It was quite rude of me not to tell anything to Ueda - kun before." Kame suddenly said which startled Tatsuya. He started to wonder if Kame could read other people's minds or it was just him who was easily read by others. "Ueda - kun know my cousin, Hiro, right?" Kame added, his voice a bit different as he spoke.

"Ah, well, yeah.. ?" Tatsuya replied uncertainly.

"You must have understood clearly that Professor Aikawa specializes in heart problems, right? Well, Hiro was born with a weak heart. Ah, he's my cousin from my dad so he has no blood relation with my uncle." Kame explained. There was a short pause as none of them seemed want to say anything. "So maybe, regular check-ups or so.." Kame suddenly added.

No reply was heard from Tatsuya as he followed Kame. He somehow understood that Kame didn't need any reply.


Kame and Tatsuya arrived at a big house about 30 minutes later. Tatsuya followed Kame as he walked into the house. Tatsuya assumed that this should be Kame's house or his cousin's house since all of the people they met along the way inside the house greeted Kame respectfully. Suddenly one of the maids approached Kame and told him something which Tatsuya didn't manage to catch. Kame's face changed into a worried look as he quickened his steps.

Tatsuya followed Kame until they reached a door. Kame opened the door hurriedly and went into the room. "Hiro! Are you alright?" Kame asked worriedly.

Kusano, Kame's cousin, was lying on a bed, looking sick. "Ah, nothing to worry about, Kazu nii-chan." he replied as he gave Kame a weak smile. "Ah, and Ueda - kun is here too?" Kusano asked when he saw Tatsuya.

"Ah, hi.." Tatsuya gave a light bow.

"Hello, Ueda - kun~" Kusano greeted cheerfully although he still looked a bit weak. He suddenly looked all around the room, as if looking for someone. "Eh, don't say you're coming with that Bakanishi." Kusano stated, still looking around the room carefully.

"Hiro.." Kame said with a deep voice. "You should take a rest."

"Mou, Kazu nii-chan. What if that baka invades my house. No~" Kusano pouted and whined.

Tatsuya chuckled when he saw Kusano like that. It was quite unexpected for him. Well, Kusano was supposedly way younger than him but it really was amusing to see Kusano like that. Tatsuya stopped
when he realized that both Kame and Kusano were staring at him. It must have been rude of him so he hid his mouth with his hand and bowed apologetically.

Suddenly Kame laughed as he saw Tatsuya bowed like that. "Ahaha.. Really, Ueda - kun, there's no need for you to apologize. This guy over here is sometimes so..irrational." Kame said between his laughter while gazing at Kusano. "Ah well, Ueda - kun is going to examine you here."

Kusano looked at his nii - chan confusedly then shook his head. Suddenly his eyes were widened as if he finally noticed something. "Eh? What is wrong with uncle Aikawa?"

Laughters were heard from Kamenashi followed by the amused Tatsuya. Kusano was definitely an interesting guy to look at. Tatsuya hadn't been there for more than 15 minutes yet Kusano had made him laugh this hard. Kame was laughing even louder than him while Kusano could only pout looking at the 2 laughing guys.

"Ah well, I suppose I'll leave the two of you here. We shouldn't waste Ueda - kun's time, right?" Kame said wisely then he walked out of the room and waited outside while Tatsuya examined Kusano.

Ueda came out of the room a few minutes later. Kame was already there, leaning on the wall with a cigarette and a piece of paper in his hand. He noticed Tatsuya coming out then smiled. He approached Tatsuya and gave that small piece of paper to him.

"So, how is he?" Kame asked while Tatsuya was opening the paper.

"Ah, he must have overworked himself. Lack of sleep, I guess. His blood pressure dropped a bit. Please tell Kusano - kun to have enough sleep." Tatsuya explained as he read what was written on the paper.

"Ah, that’s great then.." Kame replied, slightly relieved. "And that is the prescription my uncle always gave Hiro. He told me to show it to you." Kame exhaled the smoke from the cigarette.

Tatsuya nodded understandingly and read the prescription carefully. "Ah, so these are the medicine given for Kusano - kun. Hm.." he murmured.

Kame waited for what Tatsuya would say next while puffing on his cigarette again. He might look so calm and composed but deep down Kame was feeling so nervous. Kusano was someone precious to him, especially since they have been together for quite a long time, and Kame had seen Kusano’s heart problems acting up so many times. He took another cigarette from the pack and lit the fire. His hand was shaking a bit, showing how worried he was.

"You shouldn't smoke in front of Kusano - kun, Kamenashi - kun." Tatsuya suddenly uttered, breaking the silence between the two of them. He moved his head and stared at Kame with a serious look on his face. "It's not good for his health."

Kame hastily put out the fire and threw the cigarette into the nearest bin as he heard what Ueda said. Tatsuya could only sigh when he saw what Kame did. "I suppose professor Aikawa had never seen you smoking all this time. He would have given a long speech if he had known about it, Kamenashi - kun." Tatsuya added as he kept staring at Kame.

Kame laughed nervously at what Tatsuya had explained to him. He didn't expect to receive a speech from someone he thought was stupid, stupid enough to be manipulated by Ryo. Kame felt a bit sad somehow, remembering that Tatsuya was 'owned' by Ryo especially when he had taken a bit liking of him. Tatsuya was definitely different. Or maybe, Tatsuya was someone clever who had another idea in mind? Kame shook his head as he thought about the second option. No, it is so stupid of me, thinking that someone like him could overpower Ryo.

"I won't give any prescription for Kusano - kun. He still has some medicines left, right? Just make sure that he has enough rest and he'll get better soon." Ueda suddenly said, which brought Kame back from his own thoughts.

"A-Ah, I see. Thanks then, Ueda - kun. I'll ask someone to send you home." Kame replied. He stared at Tatsuya for a moment which made Tatsuya feel uneasy. "You had better be careful, Ueda - kun. I can only hope that you won't be broken, facing someone like Ryo. It would be so sad without you.." Kame murmured as a sad smile appeared on his face.

Tatsuya was confused with what Kame had just told him but he didn't have the chance to ask about it as Kame had already walked into Kusano's room, leaving him alone. One of the maids suddenly approached him and told him that the car was ready to leave anytime he wanted. Tatsuya left the house with a big question in his heart. What did you mean by that, Kamenashi - kun...


Sawajiri Erika stopped her walk as she finally reached her destination. Her gaze went around the room, looking for someone she was supposed to meet. She finally caught the sight of the guy she had promised to meet with, sitting in the corner of the room. Her heart was beating fast as she realized that she was going to face someone dangerous.

The said guy noticed her and waved a bit to her. "Erika - chan.."

There was no reply from the said girl, instead a furious glare was seen from Erika's face. Erika walked closer to approach the guy and gave a small smile when she was finally standing in front of him. "Ah, Ryo." she greeted then there was a sudden change in her face, back to the furious look.

"Don't do any harm to him. I already knew that you were the one behind all this." she stated. Her voice was so deep and she stared at Ryo intensely.

"Ah ha, ojou - sama, I don't really understand what her highness is talking about." Ryo said sarcastically as a smirk was formed on his face.

No reply was heard for a moment but one thing was for sure, Erika was angry. Her eyes widened as she heard what Ryo had just said and she bit her lower lip. A loud laughter was heard a moment later and Ryo's smirk faded away, confused with the ojou - sama's strange behaviour but trying to keep his composure.

"Oh my.. I am sure you know clearly what I am capable of, don't you, Nishikido Ryo - sama?" Erika challenged, showing her victorious smile.

A smirk was shown again by Ryo as he drank his tea calmly. "Well, try me." he threw another challenge as a reply.

Erika stood up and took her bag, giving Ryo another smile. "Ah, not now, Ryo - sama. It's not the time, yet. This is just my first warning. I'll send another warning when I feel like it, or I'll just do what I want straightaway. So, goodbye Nishikido Ryo - sama. I hope you'll consider my advice so none of us will be hurt at the end." Erika stated as she bid her farewell. You really have to be careful, Nishikido - kun. I could be a devil if it is for someone precious.

Ryo watched her exit the room and took another sip of his tea. An evil smirk was still on his face as he put the cup in his hand back to its original place. "Ah, the cat is awake now, huh? But it does not know what a mouse is capable of doing." an even wider grin was showed.


Tatsuya went straight to Ryo's house as he received a mail from him. 'What if I die?' it said. Tatsuya was so worried until he even forgot to change his slippers with his shoes. He was greeted by Toshi as soon as he arrived at Nishikido's house. There were too many questions Tatsuya wanted to ask Toshi but he was too worried until none of it came out from his mouth. Toshi seemed to understand it somehow as he gestured with his hand and showed the way to where Ryo is. Tatsuya followed Toshi until they reached a door, which should be the door of Ryo's working room if Tatsuya remembered correctly. Toshi gave a small bow and left Tatsuya alone there.

Tatsuya opened the door slowly, feeling nervous. There he met Ryo's emotionless eyes directly. Ryo was sitting on a chair in front of a desk, staring at Tatsuya, making him blush. "A-Ah... I thought something had happened to you." Tatsuya said, relieved after seeing Ryo in a good condition, apparently.

No response came from Ryo which made Tatsuya worried. It was quite strange for Ryo to be like this, but then Tatsuya hadn't known Ryo for a long time either so he couldn't be sure about it. "Why are you here?" Ryo suddenly asked.

Tatsuya was at loss of words to say so he didn't reply Ryo's question. He looked at the floor, feeling slightly embarrassed. He didn't know himself why he dashed here when he read that mail.

"Come here.." Ryo demanded. Tatsuya walked closer to Ryo and stopped when he was right beside Ryo. Ryo suddenly leaned towards Tatsuya, which surprised Tatsuya, a lot. Ryo was definitely strange this time. It didn't last long though as Tatsuya suddenly felt something soft, which turned out to be Ryo's lips, meeting his. They were at that position for quite some time until Ryo broke the kiss and got up, walking past the blushing Tatsuya.

Tatsuya remained at the same place, confused and shy at the same time, until he realized something. Their contact was only for a short span of time but he managed to feel that. That might be the reason why Ryo was acting all strange. He hastily approached Ryo then held his hand, trying to get Ryo's attention. He placed his palm at Ryo's forehead when Ryo turned around and sighed. "Just as I have thought. You are running a fever, Ryo.." he muttered.

Ryo brushed Tatsuya's hand from his forehead and continued to walk. "I'll ask Toshi to send you home soon." he replied shortly, ignoring Tatsuya's statement.

"No, I'll stay here." Tatsuya insisted. He just felt obliged to do this. Tatsuya followed Ryo until what he assumed should be Ryo's room. Ryo stopped there and turned around, looking at Tatsuya. "Do as you wish.." he stated coldly and closed the door roughly in front of Tatsuya, giving him a surprise. Toshi stood somewhere behind Tatsuya and offered to send him home but Tatsuya turned the offer down. "No, I'll just stay here.." he muttered. I won't leave you no matter what, Ryo..

End of chapter 4

E/N: Finally, I finished this.. *dances*
It took me about a week to write this, much longer than I usually need. But this is way longer than my usual writing..
I don't know how it'll go, I'm a bit depressed lately and seems like I'm having my writer's block again..
Ah well.. The update won't come fast for sure..:)


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