Fake [Chapter 4]

Aug 30, 2008 20:52

Title: Fake
Author: love_akira
Pairing: PiDa (mainly), Akame(start this chapter), and some others
Rating: PG and could go higher
Disclaimer: We don't own them sadly... :(
Summary: Yamashita Tomohisa, the prince of the school. His crush to Nishikido Ryo lead him to meet Tat - chan or Ueda Tatsuya who is such a mysterious guy.
Notes: A collaboration fic between dephi and love_akira. dephi will write the odd chapters while love_akira write the even chapters.

Staring at the dark sky, Ueda Tatsuya sighed. The Tokyo’s city lights had completely overtaken the sparkle of stars. There were no stars to be seen, they were invisible, hidden. Another sigh and Ueda thought, his dream was just like that. It sparkled and shone when his mother was with him, until three years ago…Now his dream of pursuing to be a great pianist was no more. The dream was all crushed since that day his father decided that Tatsuya should started preparing to be the successor of the many companies Ueda family owned.
With his mother being hospitalized, all of his hopes and future were gone.

“Hey, lovely.” Tatsuya turned to look and found Tacchon propping himself down beside him.
Tacchon smiled. “Here is the drink.”

Ueda took the beer Tacchon handed to him.

“What are you thinking?”
“Pretty much the usual things.”
“About your dad?” Tacchon wrapped his hand around Ueda’s shoulder and pulled the boy closer to him.

They were now at the apartment Tacchon lived in. Ueda had spent his whole day with Tacchon. Really, he couldn’t think of anything better than spending time with Tacchon in his free times.

“I envy you, Tacchon.”
“Why is that?” Tacchon buries his face in Ueda’s soft hair.
“You can live on your own and do what you want without worrying about anything.”
“Hey, that’s not truth. I have to worry about you every time.”
“But, still you have no one forcing you to do something you don’t want to.”
Tacchon chuckled. “Is it about you not being able to play piano but have to take over the company some day in future again?”
“Come on, Tat-chan, aren’t you sick of thinking and sulking about it? Just go along with the flow, you never know what will happen in the future.”
“But, this morning my father sold my grand piano. And that sickening wife of his just had to rub it off and ruined my day.”
“You know your father is like that. He is a bastard.”

Tacchon had never gotten well with Ueda’s father although he had spent most of his childhood with him. Although Ueda’s father accepted him, he had never approved of Tacchon as his son. Tacchon wasn’t found by him. It was Ueda’s mother who had taken Tacchon to Tokyo from her trip to Osaka and decided to adopt him. Ueda’s father had stated clearly that Tacchon would have nothing to do with his wealth and belongings for all those were for Tat-chan. But seriously, Tat-chan didn’t really care about them. But Tacchon had to give credit for the man’s love to Ueda’s mother, he always let what she wanted to be happened and fulfilled all her wishes. However, it was only until that day, he found a new woman who could please him better than his old sick wife. And that woman seemed to have brainwashed him too as Ueda’s father became more of a bastard than he usually was. Tacchon still clearly remembered that day when he left the Ueda’s mansion. Everything happened too fast, the news of Ueda’s mother’s condition, the coming of that woman into the family, the big fight between himself and Ueda’s father and the next thing, he was renting an apartment and living alone. Where did he get the money?? From modeling, of course. Tacchon had quit university after Ueda’s mother fell sick, and the main reason for the fight was because of his career as a model.

“But, your step mother is one hot chick…oof.”
Ueda had pinched Tacchon on his thigh as he said that.
“Awww, it hurts.”
“You deserve it.”
Tacchon laughed. “She maybe hot but she is no you.”
“Mind if I intrude.” A new voice joined them and Ueda didn’t have to turn back and look to see who it was.
“Hey, Kazu.” Tacchon though turned and smiled at the new comer. “Come sit, here.” He patted the place beside him.
All three of them sat out at the balcony, gazing up at the sky.
“Want a smoke?” Kazuya asked.
“Sure.” Ueda said.
Kazuya or Kame, gave him a cigarette and lighter after he had lit his own cigarette.
“Nah, I don’t need that lighter.” Ueda just took the cigar and then leant into Kame and touched the tips of their cigarettes, lighting his own one.
When Ueda pulled back, Kame glared. “Stop doing that. Or else, I will end up eating you up.”
“Oh, I don’t mind being eaten up by you, honey.”
“Really?” Kame then tried to get closer to Ueda but Tacchon blocked him.
“Oi, Tat-chan is mine. Back off.”
And all three burst out laughing.

They were always like that. They had been friends since their childhood, with Tacchon being the oldest. Ueda and Kame knew each other first since they were grown up together. Kamenashi family owned really famous hotels and they were in hotel and tourism business. But that was only for cover, in reality they worked as bodyguards and in fact Yakuza. Kamenashi family was the personal bodyguards of Ueda family as Kame was appointed to be the protector of Tatsuya since he was born. Ueda didn’t like that though, so when he found out about that, he told Kame to stop being friendly with him if it was only for his duty. But Kame had proven that he really wanted to be friend with Ueda and he was protecting and going to protect Ueda not because he had to, but because he wanted to. Since then, they had been best of friends. Then, Tacchon came into their lives.

When they grew old and things changed, they supported Ueda. Ueda’s life practically changed during his first year of high school. He had just yet to start his new school year when his mother fell sick and things started to get messy. When his father ordered him to stop with all the piano stuffs, Ueda started to rebel his father by skipping school and doing opposite of what he said. But Ueda’s father had a hold on his sick mother and threatened Ueda. So, he ended up giving up on his dream and agreed to be the successor. Since he couldn’t take all the pressure, and after his father brought that woman home, Ueda turned into something he had never thought he would- A Slut. It was a truth, he flirted, he went around with men of all ages-but mind you, all the men he went out with were handsome and rich. But that didn’t mean he had slept with all of them; a slut he might be, but Ueda was choosy to whom he wanted to sleep with. Anyway, men nowadays were just happy enough if a pretty boy agreed to go out with them.

You must be wondering whom Ueda had lost his virginity to. Ueda had no idea either. He couldn’t remember that man’s name. But he remembered his second time though. He had come to Tacchon, crying after he realized what he had done, sleeping with another man. Tacchon comforted him and Ueda decided that he wanted Tacchon. After all, he wasn’t a virgin anymore. And he liked to think that Tacchon was his first although it wasn’t. But it was the first and last time for them. They loved each other, but there were no romantic feeling. So, both knew that they wouldn’t work out as lovers. But their now relationship was a bit confusing. They might not be lovers but they were very touchy, feely with each other. And Tacchon would kiss Ueda whenever he felt like and Ueda was happy to accept the kisses. With Kame, it was just friendship.


“Argh, it’s killing me.” Ryo threw the book off the table and it landed somewhere in the room and he didn’t really care. “Why are we sitting here, studying on a nice and sunny Sunday morning?”
“Because the exams are coming soon.”
“But why aren’t Jin here with us?”
“He refused to come. You know how Jin is with studying. Besides, I didn’t force you to come either. You came here by your own free will.”
“Not mine. Hiroki’s.” Ryo grumbled and glared at the man, sleeping on the bed. But the adoration and a soft smile on his lips gave away everything. He wasn’t angry with that sleeping boy.

Pi looked at the boy before him and felt a wave of sorrow came over him. He knew Ryo wouldn’t come to his house for studying willingly if it wasn’t for Uchi. Pi had planned a study group and Uchi said it was a good idea. And when Uchi said a good idea, Ryo would agree to it. And when Uchi said Ryo should go, Ryo readily nodded his head. Pi didn’t know when he had started to have a feeling for his own best friend but he was sure Ryo didn’t notice it. Or maybe Ryo was just too blinded to notice it because he had already occupied with paying all his attention to Uchi Hiroki. Pi was jealous with Uchi. Uchi and Ryo were neighbors and their bedrooms were right across from each other. Whenever he went and visited Ryo, Ryo would always call Uchi from that window and Uchi would happily came and joined them. Or sometime, Uchi was already at Ryo’s house. Pi never could find alone time with Ryo. Now, they were studying together, only the two of them. But Uchi was still there, sleeping on Pi’s bed.

“He has dragged me to study here and look what he is doing? Sleeping!” Ryo complained. Uchi had made a beeline for Pi’s bed as soon as they entered Pi’s room and then plopped himself down on it with a manga in his hand. He read the manga while the other two studied and then he fell asleep. Ryo kept studying since then; Uchi was every now and then reminding him to do so. Ryo wasn’t a stupid guy, it was just that he hated studying and tended to let his results slipped. Pi was sure if it wasn’t for Uchi, Ryo wouldn’t be in S class with the sixth position in the whole level.

“Hey, Pi, let’s take a break and talk.”
Pi smiled at his friend’s almost pitiful puppy look and nodded. “Sure. What do you wanna talk about?”
“Anything as long as it has nothing to do with studying.”
“Great.” And Ryo lunched into talking about sports and games. Pi wasn’t really listening; he was too busy staring at Ryo’s face and his handsome features.
“Speaking of Kamenashi Kazuya, do you know that he wasn’t in over class because of his attitude?”
Pi blinked. Ryo was asking him a question. He didn’t know how the subject changed from sports to A Kamenashi Kazuya guy. He wasn’t listening after all.
“He is the fifth in the whole level, but he was put in the F class because of his rude and foul attitude and also he has no respect for the teachers. But it is actually surprising that a troublemaker and gang leader like him is able to maintain the standard to being the fifth in the whole level for two years straight.”

Their S class wasn’t only based on the results; it was also based on the attitudes, popularities and also the abilities at sports. So, briefly the S class students were all-rounder.

Ryo went on talking about all the troubles caused by Kamenashi guy. But Pi went on to thinking about the mysterious Ueda Tatsuya. Pi was the prince of the school. While the whole school knew him, Pi didn’t know the whole school. He just pretended to know them. Half of the time, he didn’t know the person who came up and talked to him in the hall way or smiled or waved at him wherever he went in school. Pi was a smart kid since he was young. At the first year, there was no S or F class; they were all sorted out according to the order of enrollments and their junior highs. Pi, Jin, Ryo and Uchi were in the same class. Only at the second and third years had the system of S and F classes was started. From the first year’s end of year exam results, the school separated the students into their respective classes in second year. When Pi went to see his end of year results and the class for second year he noticed the name Ueda Tatsuya right above him with ten marks higher than him. Since than, he had wanted to meet Ueda Tatsuya and he had looked forwards to it. But when the second year started, there was no Ueda Tatsuya in S class and Pi was announced as the highest and top in the whole class. Nobody really cared about Ueda Tatsuya and so Pi decided that that boy had changed school. But when he got his second year’s end of year result, he found out that Ueda Tatsuya was still in the same school as him and still one rank above him. From then onwards, Pi was curious to who the Ueda Tatsuya guy was. But he was too cool to ask around. He was a prince after all; he needed to be calm and collected. And even Ryo didn’t know who Ueda Tatsuya was. So, the others wouldn’t know either since Ryo was the known it all of their school.

“And there are rumors that Kamenashi’s family is a yakuza family and also he is one of the fuck buddies of slutty Tat-chan.”

That sure snapped Pi out of his deep thought. Tat-chan, Pi didn’t know why but nowadays that name and that person had been occupying his mind too.

“Serious?” Pi asked; slightly grow interest in the conversation.
Ryo shook his head, a thoughtful look on his face, “Not sure. I mean, you know how people can be carried away with rumors and gossips and whatnot. One thing I know for sure is that Kamenashi family is one of the families you don’t wanna mess up with. They are quite rich and powerful.”

Come to think of it, Pi had heard that name before. Kamenashi Hotels and Tourism. It was a big and successful Tourism firm. Many five stars hotels and resorts were owned by them. That got Pi to think again, how could someone from family like Kamenashi be in a class like F-class?

“Hey, Ryo-chan, have you heard of Ueda Tatsuya’s name?” Pi didn’t know what came over to him but he was really curious about that guy. Sure, Ryo didn’t know who that guy was but still he could hope for something, right? After all, Ryo was from student council.

Ryo tilted his head sideway, “Ueda Tatsuya. Isn’t he that guy who is one level above you? That top in whole level but not in the S-class guy.”
Pi nodded his head.
“Well, I don’t know who he is. I mean nobody from our school really know who he is.” Ryo said, trying to save his title of School-Know-it-all. “But, I know about Ueda family. They are as powerful…no more powerful and richer than Kamenashi family. I had read in some magazine about them being business partners. But, Ueda family doesn’t like to reveal about their private and family lives to the others…in all the magazines, Ueda-san never talked about his wife or family. The only thing people know is that, he had a son but nobody has seen him except for some of their friends from their high classed society.”

Pi sighed. Ryo was right. He knew of Ueda-san and how powerful that name alone was, but he had never really seen or heard of other Ueda family members. And people didn’t dare to spread rumors about him or his family, who knows what he could do to them!

“You are interested in that Ueda Tatsuya guy, aren’t you?”
Ryo’s sudden question had Pi jerked in his place and choked on his own saliva. “W- what?” He stuttered. “No. I mean, I am just curious. If he is the top one, why isn’t he in S-class?”
Ryo shrugged. “Who knows? Maybe he is someone who has difficulties associating w…”
“Ok, ladies, are we done with gossiping?” A voice interrupted Ryo.

Ryo turned his head to throw an icy stare at the boy who was currently sitting on the bed for addressing him as Lady. Uchi had woken up in one point of Ryo and Pi conversation and the two didn’t notice. Uchi was listening attentively to his friends though.

“Sleeping beauty, what a pleasure to have you wake up from your ‘beauty’ slumber and join us.” Ryo snarled at the said boy. He was still bitter about Uchi forcing him to study while he, himself, was sleeping on the bed instead of studying.
“My prince charming, the ‘melodious’ voice of yours have lulled me out of my ‘peaceful’ slumber.” Uchi replied, as sarcastic as ever.

Ryo opened his mouth to come out with a retort when Pi cleared his throat to draw the other two’s attentions to him. Pi didn’t like to hear more of it. Ryo and Uchi could be playing with each other and joking around, but to Pi, it was like they were flirting with each other indirectly.

“We don’t forget about you, don’t worry, Pi-chan.” Uchi winked at Pi, stretching his muscles. He then stood up, still stretching. “Hmmm, it was a good sleep.” His hand then went down to rub his stomach, “Now, I’m hungry.” Uchi smiled at Pi as he said the next words, “Do you have anything that I can eat?”
“Nope, Pi doesn’t eat girlish and diet food like you.” Ryo said instead of Pi.
Uchi ignored him but still looking hopefully at Pi.
Pi smiled back. “Sure, my mom just restocked the fridge yesterday. Why don’t we go and check it out.” Pi shifted in his sitting position to stand up but Uchi again interrupted him.
“No, don’t Pi-chan.” He held out his hand and waved as if telling Pi to stop what he was going to do. “I’ll go down alone and check it out. You enjoy your study time with Ryo-chan, ne.” that was accompanied by a wink and cocky grin and Uchi was out of the room and had closed the door behind him, leaving Pi and Ryo alone in the room.
“Baka. What could you and I possibly do when we’re alone?” Ryo snorted, clearly sensing the suggestive tone in Uchi’s voice.
‘Well, I have lots on my mind. I can list them out for you if you want.’ But Pi too laughed and said, “Yeah, Baka.” Another worry had added to Pi’s already confused mind.
Does Uchi know about my feeling for Ryo?

~The End~

A/N: sorry for the really long wait,ne. I was so busy. And this chapter, I’m sorry it’s really boring. I promise, the new chapters will be better and interesting. I’m just building the story up…not to confuse you guys. So, wait for Dephi’s wonderful next update,ne.


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