Blood and Water [ Chapter 9 ]

Aug 24, 2008 09:40

Title: Blood and Water
Author: dephi
Pairing: Akame , Jinda , Ryoda (sorted by the first letter)
Rating: PG - 13 yepp.. Angst and some swearing...
Disclaimer : I wish I own them all, but sadly I only own the plot..
Summary: Family is where you share Happiness and Pain. Your family is where you share victories and failures.But this time, can you also share the heart of the one you love to your family?
Notes : Beta-ed by annatanhe, thanks dear... ♥

Days went by and Jin still couldn't reach Kazuya as what he had wanted. There were always something going on; Jin wondered why Kazuya always gave him perfect excuses to avoid their meetings. Tatsuya and Ryo were confused from Kazuya's strange behavior too, especially for Tatsuya, and they met regularly just to continue their let’s-get-Jin-and-Kazuya-together-operation plans. Both of them were sitting at one of the tables in the restaurant looking all serious. People around them might think that they were busy with their work or something since there were a lot of papers scattered around the table, but who knew..

"Ne ne ne Nishikido. What should we do now? The plan is not getting on track you know." Tatsuya said as he took a sip of his hot chocolate.

"I don't know about that. And why do I have to spend my free time on this stupid operation?" Ryo stated.

Tatsuya glared at Ryo as he heard Ryo's statement. It made Ryo frown; Tatsuya's glare was definitely scary, even for the Nishikido Ryo with the renowned foul tongue. "Ah, so do you have any better ideas now? Who agreed with my idea the other time huh? Or dear creative and smart Nishikido-san can think of a better idea?" Tatsuya demanded.

"U-ugh.. No.." Ryo gave up at the end. "It's just, you know, it has been two weeks and we are achieving nothing. Your brother is definitely weird!"

"Argh.. I don't know myself what is wrong with him.." Tatsuya muttered.

Jin waited for Kazuya at the University library. Kazuya didn't know that, though. He went out from the library right after he had finished finding his needed references. Jin stopped Kazuya as he caught sight of the younger boy looking through the thick book in his hand thoroughly. Confusedly, Kazuya moved his head to see who had stopped him. A big grin was seen from Jin's face as he finally got Kazuya's attention while a gasp escaped from Kazuya's mouth.

"Ah, hi Jin - kun." Kazuya greeted. "What do you need from me?" he added dryly.

"Ah, h-hi Kazuya." Jin replied nervously. His fingers were toying with his hair, showing how nervous he was. "E-eh, are you free now? I-Is it okay if you accompany me this afternoon?" the nervous boy asked.

Kazuya didn't reply at first, his gaze was fixed on Jin for a moment, then a sigh was released from his mouth. He opened his bag and took out a schedule, then looked his watch. "Ah, I am sorry, Jin - kun. I have to meet my dean later. I have to do this project for my final score. Later, maybe.." Kazuya replied with a bitter smile fixed on his mouth. He left Jin dumbfounded, without even giving him the chance to say anything.

If one had seen Jin walking to exit this library and going to the toilet, the person would have noticed a dark cloud forming over Jin’s head, implying just how upset he is feeling now. He stopped as soon as he was inside the toilet and tilted his head to his right, giving his puppy eyes and looking helpless. "What should I do now, Tat - chan?" Jin whined to the two guys who have been watching the scene from the beginning.

"That sucked, seriously. I thought you have checked your brother's schedule." Ryo retorted.

"I have!" Tatsuya insisted. "I was so sure that he told me he would go home earlier since he had finished his work much earlier than expected." he explained. "Who knew that he would come up with a lame excuse.." Tatsuya murmured as he twirled the pen in his right hand.

"Argh.. Whatever. He is definitely strange!" Ryo stated.

"Who gave you the permission to talk about my brother like that?" another death glare was sent.

Kazuya was paired with Ryo for their essay so Kazuya was waiting for Ryo at a café to discuss their project that evening. He happened to arrive early so he decided to order some food first since he was quite hungry. A plate of beef steak and potatoes was in front of him a moment later as he finished his drink. Some time later, he had already cleared his plate completely. Kazuya looked at his watch then he looked around the room to find Ryo, but no hint of him was seen.

"Arrgh.. Where is that Nishikido? I have wasted my time here. It has already been 30 minutes since our arranged time." Kazuya muttered.

Kazuya took a look at his watch for the second time. He was a patient man but the amount of work needed to be done within the limited time made him lost his patience easily.

"I thought we were supposed to be serious about this project. Ugh. I think I have chosen the wrong guy to be my partner. But it is so unlikely for Nishikido to be like this." Kazuya murmured.

A beautiful tune was heard from his pocket so Kazuya fished his phone out from his pockets. It turned out to be a mail from the mentioned partner, Nishikido Ryo.

"He should have just told me from the start if he couldn't make it." Kazuya murmured. "Ah well, I'll just leave for now."

Kazuya walked to the cashier, ready to pay for all of his orders when he heard another voice beside him. "I'll pay for that"

Kazuya heard a familiar so he turned around to see who it was. Jin was there, with some money in his hand, and he gave the money to the cashier. "E-Eh? There is no need for that, Jin - kun. I can pay that myself." Kazuya exclaimed.

"Ah, no worries, Kazuya. I'll pay yours, okay." Jin said.

"No, please. I'll pay it." Kazuya insisted and left some money on the cashier before exiting the cafe, leaving Jin alone. Jin followed him but Kazuya stopped and asked Jin to leave him alone.

"B-But, you are free now, right? Let's go somewhere else." Jin tried to hold Kazuya.

Kazuya smiled and look at Jin. "Ah, I'm sorry Jin - kun, I am quite tired now. I’m going to take a rest.” Kazuya stated, and left Jin alone again.

"Look, he is definitely strange, right?" Ryo brought the matter up again.

"A-Ah.. Well, Kazuya is a shy guy, right?" Tatsuya reasoned though it looked like he was not that convinced himself.

"Argh.. All of our hard works were in vain. Now what? You are the one who initiated this, right?" Ryo retorted again.

"Ah well.." Tatsuya hit the table with his pen. "I don't know.. That’s why we are here, right, Ryo?" he uttered.

"Well yeah.. This is so troublesome, and wait a second, what did you call me earlier?" Ryo asked.

"E-Eh? Ah, no no, never mind." Tatsuya tried to drop the matter.

In the classroom, Kazuya yawned as they were waiting for their dean. It was 20 minutes since 10 o'clock already but his dean hadn't appeared yet. Kazuya would have skipped this class like Ryo if it wasn't because he had to impress this dean of his. Who the hell needed history when they were majoring sciences anyway? But sadly, he just needed it. If it wasn't due to that weird logic, Kazuya would definitely have ditched this.

Suddenly the room was silent as the sound of a door opening was heard. It didn't last long though, since chatters started to fill in his class again. Kazuya moved his head up to see then his eyes were widened all of a sudden. He saw Jin, standing beside his dean. Kazuya rubbed his eyes, trying to reconfirm what he had seen, but it was true, Jin was there.

"Hello, class. This is Akanishi Jin - san, a dentist, and he used to be my student. Well, he needs someone to help him with his forum thing, so, any volunteers?" his dean explained in front of the class.

Chatters were heard all around the class, especially from the girls. It was expected of course, Jin was a good looking guy after all. And a dentist? Many girls volunteered to be his assistant and even some of the guys did. Kazuya's dean had difficulties choosing from the volunteers, so he asked Jin to choose instead. "Who do you prefer? Or there is someone you know from this class?"

No answer was heard from Jin but he moved his head and glanced at Kazuya. Kazuya was shocked as he realized that all of his friends were looking at him as well.

"Ah, so, Kamenashi - kun, would you?" the dean asked.

"I am sorry, sir but I am having my project, right?" Kazuya refused. Chatters were heard again and the class was finished earlier because of that. Kazuya exited his class as his dean and Jin were surrounded by many girls.

"Ah, poor Jin. At the end he got a clingy girl, right? She didn't help him at all; in fact she made Jin work even harder." Tatsuya uttered.

"Well, that was his fate. And you haven't answered my question earlier." Ryo replied. "Ah well, I'll let you go for now. So, what have you commanded Jin to do now?" he asked.

"W-Well, Kazuya is supposed to have his first English lesson, so well.. Get the idea?" Tatsuya tried to explain.

"Ah, I see. Well, wish him luck then. We can only wait for his call now, right? What is wrong with your brother anyway.." Ryo muttered. "Ah hey, now, what did you call me earlier?" Ryo smirked.

"A-Ah.. No.. Please forget about it.." Tatsuya pleaded, looking troubled.

Unbeknown by both of the men, Kazuya happened to pass by their meeting place after giving yet another rejection to Jin. Tatsuya and Ryo were sitting at the corner so Kazuya could see both of them clearly. Curiously he walked closer to make sure that his eyes didn't lie to him. That was when he saw Ryo and Tatsuya being so close to each other.

What the? Is nii - chan betraying Jin - kun? And with Ryo? I have never thought that nii - chan is someone like this..

-End of Chapter 9-

E/N : Sorry for the long update again... *bows down*
Ah, I think this fic will be ended soon, I'm not sure though... :P
The next update might take longer time again since I'm still busy with these switching major things...
Hope you like this chapter and comments are definitely love. They always boost my mood somehow.. :)


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