The Forgotten Memories - Chapter 5

Aug 11, 2008 16:44

Title: The Forgotten Memories
Author: dephi
Pairing: RyoDa
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG
Disclaimer : I don't own any of them of course, I wish i have themm..
Summary: Ueda has some problem with his memory which were connected to Ryo....
A/N: It's now beta- ed and I'm just too lazy to edit the previous post so I re-post this... ^^".. The previous post (the unbeta-ed version of this) is here
Beta-ed by annatanhe as usual.. Thanks dear... ♥

Did you still remember how we first met?
We were not that civil towards each other
But somehow we couldn’t escape from our fate
In the end, we were together..

Chapter 5 :

Wishing to the

Shooting Star

Uchi was shocked when he saw the hospital room, the room he always visited whenever he had the time, the room where Ryo was lying on the white sheets, in coma because of that accident.

“Excuse me miss, what happened here? Why are there so many people?” Uchi asked one of the nurses.

“Ah, are you this patient’s colleague?” The nurse asked him.

“Y-yes. Did something happen to him?” Uchi answered nervously.

“Ah, he regained his consciousness. The doctors are checking him now. He was looking for someone earlier, who was it.. Someone’s name starting with T-“

“Ahh, I see. Thank you miss. May I see him now?”

“Well, it seems like the doctors have finished checking him so you may see him now, but please keep him calm since his condition isn’t that stable now.” The nurse answered before taking her leave.

Uchi then walked into the room as he felt butterflies flying all around his stomach. He wanted to see him again after such a long time. But then, he was afraid, Uchi didn’t know how to answer if he asked about that person.


A few days later..

“Maru, have you seen Uchi lately?” Ueda asked Nakamaru. Nakamaru was silent for a moment, unsure of what to answer Tatsuya.

“Uhh, no. He is busy with his dramas and other things I think, and he lives in Osaka right? Why are you looking for him anyway, Uebo?” Nakamaru replied nervously.

Ueda didn’t reply Nakamaru’s question; instead he just ignored Nakamaru and walked away, murmuring some words. Nakamaru was left confused with Ueda’s strange behavior, yet he didn’t dare to question anything more. But still, he wondered why Ueda asked for Uchi.

Did Ueda remember already?


‘Pi, are you sure you are going to do this?’

‘ I have no other choice Jin. I have asked our manager but he only told me that Ryo was taking his leave and that he got Johnny - san’s permission. The problem is, I don’t know who asked that for Ryo. I tried asking Uchi but he didn’t want to give me any information, so the only way to find out what happened is through stalking him right?’

‘But Pi..’

‘Do you have any better suggestion Jin?’


‘Then just let me do it. Ah, I have to hang up Jin. He’s coming out.’

Yamashita was somewhere near Uchi’s house when he saw Uchi coming out from his house and walking across the road. Yamashita followed him behind in disguise. He saw Uchi going to some various places, buying flowers and other things, before continuing to walk until he saw a hospital. Yamashita was curious of whom Uchi would visit there, actually he already had some feeling that it might be Ryo. He followed Uchi into the hospital, trying to look unnoticeable, since he couldn’t let Uchi realize that he had been following him all along. He watched Uchi go into a room and fortunately, Uchi didn’t shut the door properly. Yamashita took a peek inside the room and was shocked seeing Ryo in there. Though he already thought that it might be Ryo, he was still surprised by that.


Ueda was going to see the psychiatrist that Kaminari sensei had recommended to him last time. He went into the hospital when he saw Yamashita going inside there, wearing some disguise, and walking slowly as if he was hiding from someone. Ueda was curious when he saw that so he decided to follow Yamashita until he saw him stop in front of one door, taking a peek inside. He walked to Yamashita, wanting to greet him.

“Hi Yamashita - kun.” Ueda touched Yamashita’s shoulder with his finger.

Yamashita was shocked when he realized that someone was touching his shoulder. Then he heard a familiar voice greeting him. He turned back, hoping hard that it was not the person he thought it was; he was dumbfounded when he saw Ueda.

“What are you doing here, Yamashita - kun?” Ueda asked him.

“U-uh. Hi Ueda - kun. Uh..” Yamashita answered nervously. He knew that he couldn’t let Ueda look inside but he didn’t know what to do since he was such in a bad situation. Ueda then took a look inside and his eyes widened when he saw who was inside.


“Hey, Ryo.” Uchi said.

“Ah Uchi, you are here again?” Ryo asked Uchi.

“Yeah, Ryo. I brought some food here.” Uchi replied. Then he gave the food he brought to Ryo and put the flower bouquet in the vase beside Ryo’s bed.

“Uchi, why didn’t you answer my question last time?” Ryo asked Uchi again as he put the food onto the table beside his bed. Uchi didn’t answer Ryo’s question at all, instead he just sat on the chair.

“Where’s Tatsuya, Uchi? Why haven’t I seen him until now?” Ryo asked Uchi again.


Ueda was surprised to see Uchi inside the room. He couldn’t see who Uchi was visiting but somehow his heart was beating really fast and he didn’t know why. Yamashita was officially rendered speechless, he was unsure of what to do; he could only pray that nothing bad would happen. Ueda heard some voices inside. He acknowledged that the first voice was Uchi’s, but the second voice was familiar yet he just couldn’t remember who.

“Uchi, why didn’t you answer my question last time?” Ueda heard the second person ask again. Then Ueda tried to see who the person was.

“Where’s Tatsuya, Uchi? Why haven’t I seen him until now?” He heard again and then he saw the second person’s face.

‘Hime, are you hungry now?’

‘Hey, what has happened to you? Why are you crying?’

‘Gosh, that’s silly you know. Don’t do that again, will you?’

‘I love you, hime..’

Ueda remembered his memories one by one. He knew that was Ryo. The memories were coming to him suddenly and there were so many voices inside his head. Tears flowed out from his eyes. He couldn’t take it anymore and so he ran away. Yamashita, who was there, was shocked seeing Ueda like that, and when he saw Ueda running away, he called him with all his might.


to be continued....

A/N: Okay.. I should have posted this some time ago but hikaru_maxwell is busy so yeah... Thanks to annatanhe who as usual do the beta so fast.. :D
Sorry for bothering you.. ♥
I'm re-posting this again since I'm such a lazy girl.. :D
So yeah.. There should be another 2 chapter after this. And I'm telling you again, I can't guarantee whether this will be happy end or not so yeah... *hides*
So this chapter answers quite a lot of questions I think. *hopefully*
Thanks for reading until this far. I couldn't promise when I'll be able to update this again since I'll be a bit busy because of orientation and transferring things until the end of August, but I promise I'll update this as soon as possible..
Comments are as usual love..♥


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