Has it been so long?

Oct 12, 2009 13:21

I'm supposed to update this thing, too, aren't I? With, like, updatey things so it isn't just my Twitter/Facebook getting updated? But Facebook is so much easier! *flails* And I don't feel obligated to write quite so much on Facebook... (Are you on either and want me on your flist? Just drop me a line!)

That said, a lot has happened in the past month and a half or so. I got my beloved Snow White doll, and she's just as pretty as the website showed. Joel's employer finally pushed things too far, and their poor treatment of their best employee caused us to decide that it wasn't worth it for him to keep working. We were spending his paychecks on fast food and various stress relieving activities (movies, buying crap we don't need, etc.). Last weekend was his first unemployed weekend, and let me tell you: we are both so much happier now.

On Saturday we rolled up our sleeves and gave the bedroom a complete once over. We vacuumed, rearranged furniture, the works! It's amazing what a reorganization can do to your life and your mood. And now? We have a vanity in the bedroom (thanks Vikki and Rain!) that matches our bed, and it is now officially Rhianna's 'home'. Despite the addition of a vanity, we somehow have MORE room than we used to! Let me tell you, sprawling on a freshly vacuumed carpet? Is much love. We changed the bed linens (always a good thing to do, and I figured that we might as well go the extra mile even if it hadn't been that long since the last time), washed all the pillows, and I managed to destroy mine by being stupid enough to put the memory foam in the wash. Oh well! $10 and a trip to Walmart later and I have a replacement that will--hopefully--be just as good.

Sunday we had a hell of a time putting up the curtain rod, and finally learned that we had been made fools of because the reason we couldn't get the screws to go in further was because we had hit a metal plate meant to keep us from electrocuting ourselves! So, several holes in our wall later and we're finally able to get things together. Then, of course, there's the small matter of getting the curtains on there and figuring out the black out cloth. The rod, in the end, is probably lower than it should be (because the curtains need to be hemmed if I leave it where it is and because apparently the window on the same wall is actually HIGHER than the sliding glass doors... wut?). We might deal with that later, but I don't really care right now. Dear GODS but it was a pain in the arse. And the black out cloth? WAAAAAAY too short for the sliding glass doors. I guess they make those JUST for windows. Crap. Hope the HoA doesn't bitch at us for the calf length bit of curtain that shows through. No one but the lawn maintenance crew goes back there, anyway, right?

After that was said and done we decided to just chill out. We watched two or three episodes of The Mysterious Cities of Gold, we played the new Marvel Ultimate Alliance game, we ate together, we roughhoused a bit, and I worked on starting my Halloween costume. Goodness but that's going to be a monumental effort. I'd better work on it every chance I get.

Speaking of that costume, maybe some of my costuming friends can give me a hands on concept and construction? I know what I want to do for the most part, but some of it is causing a snag. So if I made a huge post about that, would anyone be willing to help talk me through it and maybe give me ideas on how to do things differently or something? IDK, I like sounding boards but I don't want to be a bother.

Also, who wants pictures of Rhianna's new 'home'? It's nothing too fancy, but I think it looks fairly good. Unobtrusive, out of the way, still looks nice, and I totally have a spoiled to death doll. XD
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