Go Greek!

May 18, 2009 15:17

Yesterday's Greek Festival was nice. They didn't cancel it, even though it was raining a bunch. It was at a Greek Orthodox Church, and the vendors were predominantly located inside. There was a lot of cute stuff, including a tiny lute type instrument thing I don't know the name of that would have been great for Rhianna, but nothing we (ragresen and I)really felt the need to spend our money on. The entertainment was largely canceled because of the rain, which is a shame. They had a gorgeous outdoor ampitheater which I would have loved to have really enjoyed the festivities from. As it was we browsed, bought some overpriced but delicious food, and then left to meet Joel for lunch. It was a fairly uneventful day, compared to other days I've had this week. For those who don't read Twitter/Facebook/whathaveyou, I had a baklava sunday. It was divine. Basically it was soft serve vanilla icecream with crushed baklava over top, and a light drizzle of chocolate syrup (I'd go with honey next time though, but she didn't offer). It was heaven in my mouth, for serious.

friends, weekend

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