Care To Help Me Get Votes?

May 18, 2009 13:38

Okay, you've all been spammed to death, I'm sure, by my posts about this ScrapBox thing, and the desk they're giving away. Some of you probably don't care, and feel free to skip over this post if that's the case. A few of you have asked for ways to help me, and so I'm providing that below this LJ cut.

I stand to gain 50 bonus votes for every journal entry made on a different domain. I have seen some people who have bonus votes, and they seem to be crediting different journals on the same journaling system (blogspot, livejournal, etc.) as different domains. Because of that, I think it is possible for all of you (and heck, even strangers I don't know!) to make posts on my behalf, on their various journals, to get me more points.

If you are so inclined and would like to help me in this way, I've written a 'journal entry' that I will be posting below. Feel free to change it, edit it, or even start from scratch. I just figured it would be easier for most people to have something to C&P if they wanted to be lazy, or just some idea of what to work with. You don't have to post anything, but if you do, please comment here with a link to the (not friendslocked) entry. All they require for the vote credit is: a link to their main website, a picture of one of their products, and a brief review of their product(s). Adding information about "Vote for Kendrah/Amie" is just added bonus, really. XD



ETA a Note: It is strongly encouraged that you change the language at least somewhat in your own entry, as I don't know if they will like it very much to just have the same thing written everywhere. It's just an example, and something for you to edit/alter/build off of. Thank you!

Thank you all so much for putting up with me during this contest. Wish me luck! <3

friends, craft, pimp, help

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