Morning morning, it's the morning.

May 17, 2009 11:25

I don't know what to do with myself. I think I definitely need to figure out what's up. A girl shouldn't be so upset and cranky all the time. I thought it was lack of sleep, but now I just don't know. Sixteen hours of sleep later, I shouldn't be this cranky.

Remember how I posted about how aweosme is, and how I'm competing in a contest? I'm sure you do. Their furniture is lovely, so I'm going to be talking about it a lot in the future.

See, this is what I could win:

Anyway, so I should be super happy to have over 50 votes in a measly two days, but part of me is just frustrated, because there are people with 150+ votes who only had one more day than I did. Are they getting 50 votes a day, whereas I'm only getting 25? I hope not, or I'll never catch up. I appreciate all the votes I've gotten so far, and I implore everyone to please vote for me again. Every day if possible, as I know most of the real competitors will have all their voters voting every single day. You can vote for me here:

I'm going to drop Joel off at work, now. We didn't get to do anything together because of how I was. Went to the mall briefly, and that was it. After that I came home, had a breakdown, and crashed by 4pm. ;-; No doll meetup for me. Rather disappointing day in all. Okay, Amie, try to focus on the positive. Positive!

I'm going to the Greek festival. ragresen said he'd go with me, and my friend Whitney might come too. I'm really looking forward to it. Maybe it can kick me out of this mood. Wish me luck, everyone!

::rummages around trying to find the $7 she lost::

friends, pimp, bad day, weekend

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