Tweet Tweet Tweet, Tweet A Le De De Leet

May 17, 2009 00:02

Looks like I've figured this out, finally. If only there was an option that made Twitter only ship once a week, then I would be happy. If you're interested, read the Twitters below. If you aren't, that's cool, just don't comment as I'd rather not feel guilty about it. Thanks! <3

  • What, I'm only going to bed for real now, at almost 2 am? Oh boy... I'm so not going to be up for the insanity that is tomorrow. Insomnia!
  • I hate the world today...


This method uses CSS to suppress the display of Loudtwitter.

Go to the "Customize Journal Style" under "Journal" on your profile page. At the left, there are tabs - select "Custom CSS". In the main box of that page ("Custom stylesheet"), add the following code and then save changes:

.loudtwitter {
display: none!important
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