I totally got four hours of sleep last night, and am as loony as Luna Lovegood on a full moon. Or something. O.o I don't even know. My emotions are running high, and I'm flipflopping a ton, so I decided that "stay in oblivious happiness" was a good state to be in until I finally crash. Sure, I could nap right now, but if I do I will only wake
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... I have 10 American Girl dolls. Also 18" tall. Also vaguely expensive (around $100 for each one). I got most of them when I was a child, but I've purchased four of them as an adult collector.
Now I SAY "collector." But let's be honest - I play with them. They are SO much flipping fun. Like you, they also inspire a creative streak - I've been crocheting hats and shrugs and jackets for them and fully plan on making each one her own blanket/quilt once I have a bedroom set up for them. They all have individual names and personalities that took me a long time to come up with (well, except for the Luna Lovegood doll). They have hobbies - some similar to mine and some very much not. They're FUN, dammit, and I'm a grownup and allowed to have fun however I want, so there.
Contributing to the picspam:
Darcy (curly hair), Madelaine (denim jacket), Evie (yellow hoodie), and Luna celebrate St. Patrick's Day.
Darcy teaches Madelaine (who at this point had FINALLY acquired a pair of glasses that suited her) how to crochet.
Evie inspects Darcy's body while Darcy's head was off getting her eyes swapped for a different color (she came with yellowish brown eyes and I had a friend switch them for hazel).
Did you notice that the bath tub Rhianna has is an American Girl one? XD I still have the bathrobe and 'towel wrap' somewhere, if you want them. >.> They'd never fit an abjd. You probably already have it though.
Those pictures are amazing, and I love them! Especially the second! I'm trying to learn crochet and knitting for various reasons, and that's just spiffy. Where did you find those tiny crochet hooks? XD
And the crochet hooks? I just clipped the ends off regular hooks and attached them to their hands using clear hair bands. :D
If you still want the robe/headwrap though, since they're supposed to fit, I'd be more than glad to send it your way. I really doubt it's worth all that much, and I wasn't going to have any use for it anyway. >.> Plus I have no clue what you would trade/swap me for it. XD
Here's a picture of what it's supposed to look like on the doll: link.
And the crochet hook idea is inspired. I'll have to look into doing that for Rhianna! Thanks!
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