Looking For Locals

Mar 23, 2009 10:25

Okay, so, I thought I was going to be attending a quite spiffy after-Easter type gathering. It seems that fell through as there wasn't enough interest, and now I'm wondering if my locals would have any interest in a belated Easter/Spring/Ostara party. Picnic, egg hunting, maybe a few games? Having fun and spending time together. Probably a Saturday though maybe a Sunday. Depends on if there's interest and who is interested.

Yea... I was really excited about this, so once I heard it was cancelled, I considered holding my own. Nothing in stone yet, but I figured most of the people who were going to the other one are on my flist, so maybe we'll get some interest from my locals. I know it's a bit far for the original planners, but something is still something. <3

So let me know, please, if anyone would be interested in such an event? Say, perhaps the weekend after Easter itself? Or maybe a bit later. Just something fun for the families (or just for us adults).


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