Baa: the proper thing to say when you notice anyone exhibiting sheep-like qualities

Oct 14, 2008 15:30

Go to and type in your answer to each question in the search box, then write the FIRST definition it gives you.

(My comments in italics.)

1. Your Name:

1. Amie
A person with a very optimistic personality. She is usually a very good friend. A little moody at times but can give wonderful advice andcomforts her friends.
B: My bf just dumped me!
Amie: It's ok he wasn't good of for you anyway.

2. Amie
An angry old woman with no fashion sense, she preys on defenceless little girls by trying to befriend them and then stealing their clothes and hairstyles
Oh My Gawd!My nan was being such an Amie to Donna last night

(Second posted just because wtf?)

2. Your Age:

1. 26
750ml of alky
1 mickey + 1 mickey = a 26
by trevor welsh Nov 13, 2003 share this add comment
2. 26
A lot of booze. 750ml of alcohol. Pronounced "two-six" NOT twenty-six
"Hey man, you think a two-six will work?"
by MDuck Jun 29, 2005 share this add comment
3. 26
The term Twenty Six originated in Cairo, Egypt in 1999, among a group of Egyptian-Canadians and Egyptian-Americans when they were in their early 20s. It means that there is someone around the vicinity who can overhear and understand the group conversations. The term was first used in Arabic Language as Seta Wa'Ishreen.
- Shit, I hate this guy
- Twenty Six (means the guy could hear)

(Second posted just to give a clearer definition of what first meant. Third posted because it amuses me and I find it interesting.)

3. One Of Your Friends:

1. steph
another word for something so incredily beautiful it makes ur heart skip a beat.

chasematic: wow look at that super model!!

C dogg: yer shes steph alrite!!!

(What is with the 'use in a sentence' portion of this site? Honestly! Still, I think Patti will agree with this one.)

4. What You Should Be Doing:

1. cleaning
(v) The act of shoving everything in a closet and calling it decent.
"I'm cleaning my closet."
"Where are you shoving all your stuff then?"
"My room."


5. Your Favourite Colour: (You make me choose? We'll say pink. Okay not posting THAT top definition. We'll say purple. Drugs? Okay, next. I want something interesting, here, folks. Yellow? Grr, can a color NOT have a derogatory meaning? Though I did like "Yellow is the colour that divides edible snow from non-edible snow," but that was like fifth on the list. Red, maybe? Great, communists. I'd like something... shiney and happy? White? More drugs... O.O Black? Back to derogatory terms. Why are the definitions dual definitions? Screw it, I'll just give a PARTIAL definition of a color I like. You don't get 1a.)

1. Black

1. Darkness, a dark colour, the colour of this text is black.

6. Your Birthplace:

1. Tampa
Similar to Atlanta but not as many skyscrapers and very spread out. The club areas are actually suburbs, Ybor City and Channelside. The area surrounding University Of South Florida is where you can get your car shot up, raped or killed.
Tampa rocks, get your mind right.

(Aside from the bit about USF and Tampa rocking, I'd almost think I wrote this, especially with the comparison to Atlanta.)

7. Last Person You Talked To:

1. mark
noun. A person identified as an easy target, or "sucker". A mark is always the short end of a joke or scam, and is never let in on whats going on. A mark is usually being cheated out of money. It's origin is from old English traveling carnivals from the late 1800s to early 1900s, where workers would refer to people paying to see thier made up shows and games a "mark". not from urban gangsters like most people think. Mark is also the origin to the term "smark" or "smart mark" which is a person who know's he/she is being scamed.
This town has a lot of marks.

8. Last Thing You Had To Drink: Water

1. Water
The 4th element required to summon Captain Planet


By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!

(::falls over giggling, kicking her feet::)

9. Your Nickname:

Kendrah isn't defined yet.

(::grins:: I defy definition! So there! Feel free to go define me? I guess? Is that how this works?)


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