To Write, or Not To Write. That is the question.

Oct 13, 2008 16:48

Yea... wild hair got me, and I had to write it down. I think it sounds more like one of those 'bios' that isn't really a bio you'd read on the back of some soft covers. I don't know. I think I know where I want to go with it. Let's see if I actually get around to going there. What do you guys think?


We often think to ourselves as romantic, young women, "I would give anything for life to be like that." We imagine ourselves as something more--something timeless. Our minds create worlds where school and work do not exist, we have every tangible object we could ever desire, and responsibilities lie on the shoulders of other, lesser people. Yet why do we imagine what we cannot have, and that which cannot be true? Why do we live in the dreams of our childhood, taking the Princess and the Knight in Shining Armor along with us all these years? Are they not better suited for fairytales, where they were first born: beside a child's bed when the Land of Nod had not yet taken her?

What if these aspirations, so impossible in our world, are not our own? A child can dream to become a mideival Princess, but any historian will warn her of the unpleasantries of such a life. A woman can wait, never persuing love, for her Knight in Shining Armor, or Prince Charming, but he will never come; no man is flawless, pristine, and pure as a maiden's vision. So what are these dreams, these aspirations, these desires? Why do they come to us, warping the image of our world to one wholely undesirable for that which we cannot obtain?

And what would we do if we suddenly had the answers to all of these questions, and so much more that we never dared ask? Would we fight to have that which should not be our own, or would we let the dreams fade, banishing wonder and hope from our world forever? This is a dilema that few consider, and even fewer still have the opportunity to remedy. Would you make the right decision, for a world left in the dark to your every action?


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