Trying To Kick Myself Into Posting Again

May 13, 2008 14:12

with this meme-thing ( Read more... )

meme, disney

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Re: yo dependonyou May 14 2008, 17:11:33 UTC
I had all these awesome questions typed out, and flicked something off of my keyboard before I started the fifth, accidentally hitting the F5 key in the process. Digflabit! ::shakes her fist at Drama Llama and F5::

Let's try this again. They probably won't be quite as eloquent as when I first wrote them. And I know I'm forgetting one, so now I have to come up with a four and a five, boo!

1. When did you first realize that God was a part of your life? What I mean to say is, when did you realize that you weren't going to Church/Sunday School because your parents took you, but because you believed? How old were you? What triggered the realization? I know a lot of people, when very young, tend towards not even knowing what's going on at first, because they aren't paying attention, and are just taken to church. Was this the way for you, or did you always understand? Bah, that didn't come out nearly as well as last time.

2. Barring your marriage and the births of your daughters, what was the most blessed moment of your life?

3. What is your least favorite food? That is to say, the food that you would eat if your life depended upon it, or the lives of others, but would otherwise do everything in your power to avoid?

4. If you could take a one week, all expense paid vacation with your family, where would you go? What would you do? Where would you go/what would you do if it was just yourself and Jody, with someone you trust taking care of the girls for you?

5. If you could hold a party and invite all your friends, what kind of party would you have? What kind of entertainment? Food? No limits, cost is not an issue, nor is whether or not people would actually perform there or anything. You could have Queen catering if you wanted. ^_~ And when's the party, so I can make sure I'm free?


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